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His figure never stood out underneath his hoodie or black jeans, nothing about him ever really stood out to anyone. He was just another creepy little edge lord sulking around the school halls pretending to be so much better than everyone else. That was what he was doing right? Being an edgy teen boy fishing for attention?


Virgil was a sickly boy. His skin was pale and his ribs stuck out of his soft chest, his eyes were dull and his fingers were thin and almost admirable to most girls his age; Admirable if you ignore the faint, purple scars scattered around his hands. If anyone took even a minute to look a little closer, to stop assuming and just look, they would know. It's not like Virgil ever made it easy for anyone though. It wasn't just the thick, layered clothes he piled on every day stopping those around him from truly seeing, it was his cold demeanor and his need to push everyone around him away, even the sweetest of people, like Patton. Virgil could never let anyone get that close to him, if he did, he wouldn't be able to hide anymore, if he ever lowered his walls for anyone, it would be over for him. One wrong move and he would be standing, shaking before someone on display, with scars lining his body and his bones defined by harsh lights. He would never live it down, the shame, the embarrassment, but he can't deny, that if anyone ever told him how thin he was, how deathly and sick he looked, a wave of joy would shoot straight through him, an almost orgasmic experience.

Unfortunately for Virgil, it wouldn't be long until the illusion would be shattered.

"hey Virge!", of course, it was Patton coming to bother Virgil about his homework again. "I know I said i wouldn't bother you about it again but-"

"no i haven't." 

"oh... do you want me to do it for you i don't want to you get-"

"a detention? i don't really care."

"right sorry... are you going to sit with us at lunch?"

"uh-" shit shit shit. Virgil knew he would be questioned again for not eating, and he can't keep claiming that he's sick. calorie counting it was. "okay"

you could see the way Pattons eyes lit up. usually Virgil didn't hang around with anyone and tried to avoid Patton before he could even ask if he wanted to sit together. a slight smile appeared on his face

"ok, see you at lunch then!" and he walked off to class.

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