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Virgil sat at the table with Patton and his friends, they were all so loud. well one of them was, a tanned boy. his name was Roman. Roman. What a fucking beautiful name. He kept screaming and singing along to some song. Virgil couldn't help but look over at him for a minute, before returning to scrolling on his phone again. "105 calories..." he muttered under his breath, looking at the cookie he had picked up.

"Did you say something?" Patton asked sweetly

"What? oh. No."

"...alright then"

Close one. Keep it in your head next time.

Virgil typed it into his notes. Guess I'm starving tomorrow.


Virgil looked down at his phone yet again, it was a Twitter notification.

@Toxicc4llssss replied to @ashtraysbones: abt 40/45 calories???

Patton looked over but Virgil turned his phone off just in time

"I wouldn't recommend going on your phone right now"

The voice came from the tall boy sitting across from Virgil, his name was Logan.


This fucking cookie tastes like ass what the fuck...


This time it was discord

@angelscum: tw bodycheck???? Starting to see my ribs more!!!! (BMI 14 btw...)

Virgil couldn't help but look. There it was, a perfect body, sickly and defined. Their ribs and spine were so perfectly presenting through their skin. Virgil laid his arms across his stomach and wished he could look so deathly and beautiful. So fucking angelic.

"Uhm... emo?"

It was Roman's voice that snapped him back to reality

"What the fuck do you want princy"


"Shut the fuck up what do you want"

"Jesus sunshine calm down, I was just going to ask if you're gonna have that brownie"


"Can I have it"

"I don't care, do whatever."


Roman reached over to pick the brownie up off of his tray. He must've been wearing a cologne, the scent caught Virgil's attention.

"Ew, why do you smell like a fucking perfume store"

"Some of us like to put in effort around here"

Logan looked over at Roman with a glare that could kill


Patton was the one to break the awkward silence "So uh... we're all going back to my place after school to watch stuff and play games... do you maybe want to come?"

"Uhm" I was going to go on a walk but I guess I can just walk home... I might get more steps in.

"Ok, I guess."

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