his phone

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Fuck. it was lunch. Virgil couldn't escape Patton's invitation again.

There he was, back at the table, back on his phone.

"I thought I told you last time, you shouldn't be on your phone in here"


"Whatever, nerd."

Patton, like the day before, glanced over at Virgil's phone but couldn't seem to make out what was on the screen, Virgil, realising this, quickly put it back into his pocket.

"You could get in trouble if a teacher sees it, I'm just trying to help you out." Logan hissed.

Virgil rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.


It couldn't have gone off at a worse time. Virgil pulled his phone back out of his pocket and clicked on the notification, taking him straight to his Twitter account. It was a comment from the body check he had posted the night before.

@miasdiaryy1 replied to @ashtraysbones: BMI? Ur literally my thinspo

Now was Patton's chance to look. He peered over and could just about make out a pale blob.

"Virgil." it was Logan again, he started to seem frustrated. Virgil picked up on it and turned off his phone, before putting it into the pocket of his bag. This had caught Roman's attention, and he was now looking across to Virgil, studying every inch of him and then turning away and going back to what he was doing.

"Uhm, Logan?"

The voice came from a short-ish girl

"We need you in the library after school"


"Why would they need Logan ion the library?" Virgil whispered to Patton

"Oh, he does library duty. He's in there a lot, I thought you would've noticed


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