library duty

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Logan had forgotten his phone in the classroom and, of course, Virgil was the one who was sent to get it for him. He awkwardly stumbled down to the library and pushed open the doors.

"Ah, Virgil, thank you."

"...its whatever."

"Do you think you could just help me for a minute?"

Virgil sighed and nodded before being sent over to put some books back on a shelf. However, unbeknownst to him, his hoodie had started to lift

"I knew it."


Virgil looked over to logan confused, logan just stood with an off expression spreading across his face

Oh. my. Fucking. God.

He walked over to Virgil and wrapped his hands around his hips

"Your phone, at lunch, I saw it."


It felt better than he thought it would

"What would possess a person to do this to themself"

God. so much fucking better.

Logan grabbed Vigil's wrist and lifted his sleeve slightly, before wrapping his fingers around it

"This is sick."

Better than an orgasm.

"What is wrong with you"

Better than anything you could imagine

"And broadcasting it to the world too, it's fucking twisted"

There it was, the feeling shooting up through him


His breathing heightened along with his heartbeat

Logan went back to dragging his fingers down Virgil's ribs, tracing them, shock taking over his face, filling any lack of expression. Virgil felt it deep within his soul, he was losing it, and he was sick.

Logan couldn't stop staring. He grabbed tight onto Virgil's fragile hand and led him up to the bathroom

Better than Roman. Better than Patton. Better than anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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