We Lie to the Ones We Love

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"Ssshhh... you'll wake up, Papa..." Derek's brow twitched as he heard his son and daughter enter their bedroom.

It was always like this in the morning. Alec and Claudia would sneak into their room. He knew that Stiles was still asleep, tired from the night before.

"Alec, I wan' pancakes!" Their youngest whispered but it was loud enough to get Stiles to stir under the covers.

"After we wake up Papa or Daddy, okay?" Alec said as they crawled over the bed.

For some reason, Derek always did the same thing; he says 'Gotcha!' the moment Alec and Claudia's fingers poked his face.

Claudia would squeal and Stiles would instantly wake up from his deep slumber.

Alec would throw a laughing fit and jump to Stiles' side of the bed, "Daddy, Papa's being the tickle monster!"

Stiles chuckled sleepily and said, "Alright, you two, what did we say about surprise wake ups?"

Their children exchanged glances and gave them a wide grin, "Pancakes!" they shouted as they ran out of the room.

Derek shook his head and said, "I wonder where they got that from..." and then pressed a kiss on his husband's temple before getting up from the bed.

The Omega raised a brow and said, "I'd have you know that I was an excellent alarm clock when I was a child."

"Pancakes!" The Alpha blurted out as well and it made Stiles snort, "Sourwolf..."


"Alright, Claudia, Boyd will pick you up later and bring you to Papa's office, okay?" Stiles said as he unstrapped Claudia's car seat.

"Yay! Can I play at Peter's office?" She asked as Stiles smiled down at her the moment they got out of the car.

"Of course you, pumpkin. Now, be a good girl for me, you hear?" He said as he pressed a loud kiss on her cheek that made her giggle.

When Claudia went in with their teacher, he went on to drive Alec to his school.

"Daddy, is Boyd gonna pick me up later too?" Alec asked while playing on his Stiles' iPad.

"Yep, we have a busy day at the coffee shop so Boyd will be picking you two up. Why? What's wrong?" The Omega asked as he glanced at the boy on his passenger seat.

"It's just that... There was a man... He asked about you while I was waiting for you to come pick me up. At first I thought it was just coincidence... But I kept seeing him once or twice a week since classes started." Alec explained and Stiles immediately parked by the side of road and held Alec close to him.

"He didn't touch you, did he? Why didn't you tell me? You should always tell me these things, A..." Stiles said worriedly and then he fished out his phone and dialed Derek's number.


Derek was in the middle of a meeting when Stiles called.

Lydia was the one holding the phone.

"Hey, Stiles, I'm sorry if Derek can't come to the phone." She said in a soft tone the moment she stepped out of the board room.

"T-that's okay... Can you tell him that Alec won't be going to school today and I'll be staying at home to take care of A, alright, Lyds?" Stiles muttered from the other line.

Worry flashed down on Lydia's face as she asked, "Did something happen, Stiles? You know we can cancel the meeting if this is an emergency."

"No, it's okay. It can wait until after the meeting. I know how important these meetings are for you guys." he reassured her but still, Lydia wasn't buying it.

She glanced the meeting room and everyone was now standing up and shaking Derek's hand. He caught sight of her and she immediately gestured to come outside.

"Stiles, the meeting just finished. Derek wants to talk to you."

And when Derek got hold of the phone, he immediately asked, "What's wrong, baby?"

"Der, I think someone is stalking our son... I didn't get the specifics but Alec said that there was a man who kept showing up at his school once or twice a week. He asked about me and... Derek, I'm really worried about A." Stiles said, his breath a bit shaky.

"Alright, listen, just stay in the house for now. I'll get Boyd and the twins there as fast as possible, okay? I'm gonna pick up Claudia at her school." Derek told him.


When Stiles and Alec got home, Boyd and the twins, Ethan and Aiden, were waiting for them outside the school.

"Stiles, we've locked down the perimeter. Alec, buddy, Ethan has some questions for you, okay?" Boyd said as he kneeled down in front of Alec.

Alec nodded and followed Ethan towards the house. Aiden and Boyd walked beside Stiles as they followed the two towards the house.


"Papa! Why are you here? I thought Boyd was going to pick me up and you're early!" Claudia perked up the moment Allison fetched her from her classroom.

Allison had a worried look on her face as she asked, "Did something happen?"

"Everything's fine, Allison. I'll update you as soon as we get everything sorted out, okay? Tell Scott the same." Derek reassured her as he lifted Claudia from the floor and rested her on his hip.

He pressed a kiss on Allison's cheek and said, "Say bye to Auntie Ally, Claudia."

"Bye, Auntie Ally! See you tomorrow!" The little girl gleefully waved her hand.


And somewhere near the Hale house, a black Toyota was parked and a man with green eyes sat on the driver's seat, watching a Rover drive up to the house.

His lips tugged into a smirk when he saw the Hale Alpha with a cute toddler on his hip.

He'll have back his Omega.

A/N: Uh... I think I made something really good :)

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