Listen to Me

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A/N: This chapter will contain Stiles' past and it will be alternating with the present as well. Flashbacks will be in Italics :)


Stiles stared blankly into the forest line that morning. He barely got any sleep because of yesterday's revelations.

Jordan was back and he wants Alec.

He woke up even before Derek which was very unusual.

He sighed deeply and thought about the past...

Jordan Parrish was like a breath of fresh air.

He was a human Alpha and he loved spending time with Stiles. They met at the diner where Stiles used to work.

He was charming and had the most sweetest smile Stiles has ever saw. He was a Deputy and always made sure to visit Stiles every other day or after work.

"You know, I've been coming here for two weeks and I still haven't asked you out..." Jordan blurted out one day when Stiles took his order.

The young Omega's cheeks flushed madly at the thought of the Alpha asking him out on a date.

"W-well, why don't you?" Stiles managed to say before walking away with a smile.


"Hey, babe... You're up early..." Derek's arms snaked around his waist behind him and it made him settle back.

Stiles hummed in agreement and said, "Couldn't sleep... I'm thinking about what the hell Jordan wants with our son."

It made Derek smile that whenever he would refer to Alec as 'our son' not 'my son' only.

"We'll find him, Stiles. The twins will be at school with Alec. Allison will be keeping an eye on Claudia. Boyd will be guarding you, okay?" Derek said as worry flashed before his eyes.

Stiles knew better than to fight Derek on this. He's being a responsible Alpha and it makes the Omega inside Stiles happy and safe.

He nodded and said, "Okay, okay... But Boyd has to help us in the kitchen. I know he brings home made scones that could rival his Mom's."

Derek huffed out a laugh and pressed a reassuring kiss on his Omega's lips.


"Will E and A be joining me for lunch?" Alec asked with eyes hopeful that Ethan and Aiden will be joining him for lunch.

Stiles glanced at Derek and the Alpha shared looks with the twins, "Ask them, buddy." Derek answered.

Alec turned his pouty puppy face towards the twins and they flinched at the same time, "Absolutely." "Of course." They replied simultaneously before heading first to the car.

Stiles and Derek laughed at the sight of two full-grown Beta werewolves easily giving in to the wishes of an eleven-year-old boy.

Claudia was currently babbling away on Boyd's shoulders about the wonders of pink nail polish and how it will look good on Erica's nails.

"Alright, baby girl, let Boyd do his work." Derek said as Boyd lifted her from his shoulder and passed her on to his Papa.

"I'm serious, B, Auntie Erica needs pink polish!" Claudia said with a nod before running to the car where the twins are waiting with Alec.

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight, alright babe?" Derek said as he kissed Stiles' cheek.

"See you later and please be careful... I love you." Stiles muttered before pressing his lips against his Alpha's own.

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