Chapter 4

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(The next morning)

Baileywick: (Knocks on the door) Sofia. It's time for breakfast.

(No answer)

Baileywick: (Knocks on the door again) Sofia?

(Still no answer)

(Baileywick opens the door)

Baileywick: Sofia? Are you awake?

Narrator: Sofia wasn't in her bed or in her closet. He looked everywhere, until he noticed the note on her dresser. He picked it up and read it.

Baileywick: (Gasps) Oh no. I must tell their Royal Majesties.

Narrator: Baileywick ran all the way to the dining hall to give their Royal Majesties Sofia's note that she left for them.

Baileywick: Your Majesties. Sofia has run away.

Miranda: What?!

Roland: Why?

Baileywick: She left you this note to explain.

(Baileywick hands over the note to Roland)

(Roland reads the note)

Sofia: Dear Mom, Dad, James and Amber,
I'm sorry, but I've got to leave this place. I don't know how to tell you this, but I just don't feel I can be a Princess anymore. I'm sorry. I love you guys and I'll miss you. Goodbye.
Love, your daughter and sister,

Miranda: (Near tears) Oh Roley.

Roland: Don't worry Miranda. Baileywick! Gather the Guards and the Knights, and tell them that Sofia has run away and they must find her.

Baileywick: Yes, your Majesty.

(Baileywick leaves the dining hall)

Narrator: When Baileywick left, he bumped into Cedric on his way out.

Baileywick: Cedric. What are you doing here?

Cedric: I was going to the kitchen to get something to eat. Why are you in such a rush?

Baileywick: I have to tell the Guards and Knights that Sofia has run away.

Cedric: What?!

Baileywick: Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me. Oh, and sorry for bumping into you.

Cedric: It's alright.

(Baileywick leaves)

Cedric: Sofia has run away? Oh no.

(Cedric overhears Roland and Miranda)

Miranda: Why did Sofia leave? I can't believe it.

Roland: I don't know. But don't worry my dear, we will find her. I promise.

(Cedric walks down the hall)

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