Chapter 6

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Narrator: Cedric and Wormwood went on their way to find Sofia. They first searched where she used to live. Dunwiddie Village. He thought that maybe she might've decided to go back to her old home, but she wasn't there.
Next, he went to the Kingdom of Wei Ling. She wasn't there.
Then he went to the Kingdom of Rudistan. Not a sign.
He went to the Kingdom of Albuquerque. Still nothing.
Finally, after weeks of searching, he went to the Kingdom of Corona. But she wasn't there either. Cedric was starting to feel like he'll never find her.

(Cedric sits down on the ground and leans against a building)

Cedric: Oh, Wormwood. We've searched almost every kingdom in the magic realm, and there's still no sign of her. (Sighs) I should've abandoned my idea to take over the kingdom a long time ago when I started to fall for her. (Groans) I'm such an idiot.

(Wormwood caws sadly)

Cedric: I think it's time to face the facts Wormy. We're never going to find her.

(Wormwood caws questionably)

Cedric: Because, we've been searching for a month and we haven't found her. (Sighs) I just don't know what to do.

(Cedric puts his head between his knees)

(Wormwood caws mournfully)

???: Maybe I can help.

Narrator: Cedric and Wormwood look up and see that it was Princess Rapunzel.

Cedric: Princess Rapunzel! What are you doing here?!

Rapunzel: I live here.

Cedric: Oh. Right. I forgot. This is the Kingdom of Corona and you're the Princess of Corona.

Rapunzel: That's right. Now, (sits next to Cedric) what seems to be troubling you?

Cedric: Well, I'm trying to find a friend of mine. Her name is Sofia.

Rapunzel: Princess Sofia?!

Cedric: Yes. You know her?!

Rapunzel: Yes. I met her once.

Cedric: When?!

Rapunzel: About a year ago

Cedric: (Disappointedly) Oh.

Rapunzel: Sorry. Anyway, why are you trying to find her? Isn't she in Enchancia?

Cedric: No. She ran away four month's ago. And it's all my fault.

Rapunzel: Why is it your fault? What did you do?

Cedric: I made a huge mistake. You see, I had this desire to take over Enchancia, and of course I was ranting about it to my Raven, Wormwood.

Rapunzel: Let me guess, she overheard you?

Cedric: Yeah. She did. I said some certain things that I should've never said. But I did. And now, she's gone and I'm trying to find her so I can apologize and tell her how I really feel.

Rapunzel: Oh. You fell in love with her.

Cedric: (Nervous Chuckle) Yeah. I did.

Rapunzel: And you don't have the same desires to take over the kingdom anymore?

Cedric: No. I don't. But I've been searching for her for a month, and I just can't find her anywhere. I vowed that I wouldn't stop searching, but it's hopeless. I'll never be able to find her and I can't risk my life and Wormwoods.

Rapunzel: So you feel like you should give up. Right?

Cedric: Right.

Rapunzel: Well, don't give up. If you really, truly love her, then go and find her and fix your mess.

Cedric: How?

Rapunzel: You said that you vowed that you wouldn't stop searching for her, right?

Cedric: (Quizzically) Right.

Rapunzel: Then you have to be willing to risk it all.

Cedric: Risk it all?

Rapunzel: Once I met a man
A thief, a cad
With a selfish plan
That made me mad
Love set his heart aglow
So sweet, so strange
But first he had to show
That he could change

When I was in a spot
My back against the wall,
He gave it all he got,
And dared to risk it all
Things were getting rough,
But he answered the call
He had to stay tough
And dare to risk it all
He was brave enough
To finally dare to risk it all

(Rapunzel helps Cedric up)

Putting yourself first
Led you astray
So now it seems you're stuck
To your dismay
To make up for your deeds
And prove you've grown
Try putting other's needs
Before your own

Your love is in the spot,
Your back against the wall
So give it all you got
And dare to risk it all
If things start getting rough,
Just answer the call
You have to stay tough
And dare to risk it all
I know you're brave enough
To finally dare to risk it all

(They get to the bridge)

To save the one you love
You have to rise above
The hurt is sure to fall,
But only if you dare, dare to risk. .it all. . . . . . . . . . .

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