RHYS | These echos left inside my head won't end 'til they consume me

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Published: 29 JUNE 2023

"Hear you whisper to me from a darkened roomThese echos left inside my head won't end 'til they consume meI hear you callin', I hear you callin' me outYou keep on takin', you keep on takin' me down""Twisted" | The People's Thieves

Rhys protecc, Rhys atacc, but most importantly? He's someone you don't want starting a riot.


Within the walls of his mind, there's a brewing storm. A tiny, insignificant thing that could hardly buffet the leaves of a tree. Rhys knew, though, that this storm has the potential to simmer, build, and grow into an unmanageable size. A size that will surround him, consume him, and drag him under the depths and folds of his brain. He can manage it, only partly, and ensure it continues to slip harmlessly throughout the expanse of his mind. He has exercises specifically crafted to curb the eventual explosion of something . While the storm was in preparation of a coming wave that will likely be far from pleasant, far from positive in the grand scheme of things, he could do nothing but tie down his personal effects and await the crash.

As if he's waited a million years, the door in front of him finally opens. Rhys lifts his head and stares up at the taller brunet. The other man gives an inviting wave of his hand, beckoning him inside the room. Almost feeling claustrophobic in his own skin, he adjusts the collar of his uniform and pushes himself up from the seat, grunting as he climbs to his feet and falls into step behind the other. He closes the door behind him, watching as the brunet circles around the large, imposing desk perfectly centered with the window backdropping it. Rhys doesn't need a prompting to take a seat across from the main desk, sinking into the plush cushions despite his desire to stand.

"So-" Prompts the Colonel, perusing a file splayed about his desk. "-Reigns informed me that I should probably get acquainted with you and the case you're working."

His foot taps against the floor a few times as he considers his words. "Well... The personal, get to know each other bit can be discarded since anything more than a work relationship is unnecessary at this moment. We can work on that when you're Sheriff, you'll have a lot of dynamics to acquaint yourself with. Of which I'm sure I can assist you with learning."

He shakes his head, sighing deeply. "But that's beside the point. I wish I didn't have to involve anyone else, truly I do, but I'd be an idiot if I didn't have some people knowledgeable of the case details. Especially someone from higher command." Rhys smirks playfully, trying to lighten the serious mood. "With Reigns finally retiring, now you get to be dragged into this mess."

Rebert Less rolls his brown eyes, adjusting in his seat. "We have a lot to cover."

Understanding that as the "go ahead" that it was, he drags a USB stick from his pocket. "Then you'll be happy to hear I have new information to add to this monstrosity of a case file and you're the second person to hear it."

He doesn't know if he should be terrified or giddy from the expression gracing the older man's features. All he does know is that it wipes the smirk off his face and morphs his expression into something unlike himself. The expression of a tired, done-with-all-this-shit Detective keen on ending things once and for all.

The audio file starts suddenly. Unprompted by anything but a click of a button and followed by shuffling clothes that signify a walking person. The device was likely shoved somewhere unnoticeable. Likely a breast pocket with the distinct sound of soft breathing permeating through the microphone. What follows next can only be a loud knock pattern, grating against the listener's ears with the sharp, consecutive thudding of knuckles against wood. The rapping comes to a stop after a pattern of three knocks, a two second pause, two knocks, and another two seconds pause before the last singular knock.

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