WULF | To my friends on the other side

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Published: 12 SEP 2023

"To my friends on the othеr side
They'll take you anywhere you wanna go
My friends on the other side
They'll give you whatever you want, let 'em know
My friends on the other side
There's only one thing you have to let go to
My friends on the other side
Tell your Lord who you notice, ah
They're your friends on the other side"

"The Otherside" | Jake Daniels


James Wulf: a man not made for often breaks nor days off.

Work is his life. When he first started in the County, he had fallen in love with the grim details of his job, despite how taxing it could be for his mental state at the best, and worst, of times. His short break, due to circumstances he'd rather refrain from diving into, led to him jumping back into the life of a Police Officer full force. Although he decided to transfer to the Los Santos Police Department, he knew deep in his mind that he'd, one day, return home. Having been a Lieutenant for a half year, there's no surprise when he offers another round of transfer papers to return where he belonged. Faiz had always been sympathetic and understanding with any piece of transfer paperwork that landed on his desk. Just as Reigns had been for him. And now back where he belonged, he hadn't really entertained the idea of relaxing or taking vacation or anything of the sort. Yes, he reserved two weeks for Sarah's upcoming wedding, but that's really it. James wouldn't really call "attending a wedding" or "keeping his daughter from panicking" a break anyways.

To see Delta, or as she requested to be called by him "Eira," standing in the alcove of his front door was a surprise to say the least. He's not surprised at the fact that she knew where he lived despite him not mentioning it. What he's surprised about is her reasoning.

"What?" He asks again to clarify, confusion lapping at his feet and threatening to swallow his sleep-addled brain whole and coax him into a mental breakdown. He's already mentally exhausted from giving the shovel talk to Jackson Fleet, his future son-in-law, and giving his blessing to a proposal. Not to mention him being stir-crazy from his impromptu, unplanned vacation from work due to a near-fatal high-caliber round to his back. And that fails to mention the paperwork he found himself forced to do to keep him from the Sheriff's Office.

Smiling impishly, the woman leans against the door, revealing a gun (that definitely wasn't legal) strapped to her hip. "We're going out to get you laid."

The Seargeant stares blankly at the woman, half-tempted to slam the door in the face of his unlikely "friend." It's still difficult to gauge what their relationship was, given their first meeting and the duty she swore to uphold. A duty she fails to falter in, still confusing him to this day. James doesn't understand how he grew to enjoy the felon's company. She's on the opposite side of the law entirely, partaking in activities common with criminals. From street racing to carrying an illegal firearm. Even Sarah doesn't understand his relationship with the woman, frowning upon it somewhat. He couldn't blame her.

"And how do you expect me," he grits his teeth, propping his arm against the part of the doorframe opposite her, "to get laid, exactly?"

"I'm taking you out around the city!"

Eira's cheerful, simply put phrase was less of a suggestion and more of a demand. The Deputy knew, fully well, that either way, he'd be taken, against his will or not. While he doubted she'd point a gun in his face and drag him along, he doesn't deny the possibility. She is a felon after all. He blinks exhaustion from his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he groans out a number of expletives.

"Why, again?" He asks her, dragging his hand down his face as he exhales deeply. "I'm kinda busy." He is, in fact, not busy.

"Now now," she "sympathetically" pats his forearm, vibrant hazel eyes glistening with mirth. "What did your parents tell you about lying?"

you aren't born with strength, you cultivate itOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz