LSPD/WOLFF | These walls are cavin' in

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RE-PUBLISHED: 11 JAN 2024 (Written around December)

consequences are finally dealt, and Stanley Wolff will be judged thoroughly

City Boys ×Stanley Wolff fucked up ×there's consequences ×Simon Faiz needs to take a step back ×Blaine County Police Department v. Los Santos Police Department ×Saira Ramirez Hates the LSPD ×Consequences 

"These walls are cavin' in
You're paying for your sins
Over and then again
All weird and lurid lens
The gates are opening
You're melting in the sin"

"Babylon" | Barns Courtney


Dust particles gently float in the undisturbed air, dancing aimlessly under the sun's rays. The room they inhabit is obviously someplace for meetings. A large rectangle table sits in the center of the space, surrounded by high-quality, cushioned chairs. The wall furthest from the door is covered with a massive screen, the wall adjacent carrying two whiteboards and a corkboard littered with papers and pictures. With cream walls and dark, carpeted flooring, the area would seem cozy if not for the energy teeming throughout the building this room lay inside.

The meeting room doesn't stay vacant for long. Just after the clock over the door marks 13:20, a man enters, trailed by two others. With collars decorated by stars, the trio walk purposefully to the end of the room nearest the television screen.

One of the men has a grim look on his face, lips downturned with narrowed eyes. The gray of his iris seems to darken under the shadow of his eyelids, portraying the man's stress as much as the lines creasing between his brows and on his forehead did. Brushing short black strands from his eyes, the man with four silver stars decorating his collar falls back into the seat at the head of the table, leaning heavily against the back. Sinking into the plush cushion, he props his elbow against the arm rest, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Faiz?" Asks one of the other men, bringing Simon Faiz's gaze to the one on his left.

Short, stylishly shaved black hair that curled from the roots. Calm yet worried dark brown eyes where the iris nearly blended with the pupils. Warm, rich skin that glowed a healthy dark brown under the fluorescent lights above. And, last but not least, an impeccable uniform with three stars neatly ordered on his collar alongside a heavy-duty S.W.A.T. vest that's rarely seen off the man.

Straightening his back and pulling his head up, he stares at the taller man. "Yes Young?"

The black man, Gavin Young, releases a sigh through his nostrils. "Are you sure it's wise to do this today?"

A Friday, one of the busiest days in the city due to many people having days off of school and work, is probably not the best day to conduct an important meeting. But Simon would rather get this over with. Waving a hand in the air to dismiss the issue, he turns his attention to the other man inhabiting the room.

Like Young, his collar was decorated by three stars. Also, like Young, the man was taller than Simon. With red-brown hair and blue eyes, Aiden Miorin was a sight to behold and definitely an eye-catcher. The investigations Unit lead looked absolutely exhausted. The Chief of Police knew he was busy with an investigation and would hate being dragged from his work, but they had to cover this topic before the county folk could even think of involving the mayors or city council.

"Miorin, everyone was notified, right?" The Chief asks, knowing full-well the man understood that it was all of High Command, not every member on the command team.

Nodding tiredly, the man hums an affirmative. "Yes, Patterson won't be able to make it."

The lingering "again" in the trio's mind draws annoyance from the highest ranking. Not even a month prior, Annie Patterson, Captain of the Los Santos Police Department, had bailed on a meeting meant for all of command to attend, aiming to bring updates to the table and any changes that needed to be made. Two months before that, she left the meeting early, citing some reason that he had no energy to remember.

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