1: new life

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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

(__)'s alarm goes off. Today was her interview and she wanted to make sure everything went perfectly, especially since she had left her last job and no longer had a source of income.

(__) sat up groggily, hair in a mess, pajamas looking disheveled, and smeared leftover makeup from the night before.

She slipped her warm feet into a pair of slippers by her bed and walked into her small bathroom.

She splashed cold water on her face to wake her up a bit, it didn't to do the trick though. She began brushing her teeth, a dead-eyed look of exhaustion written on her face.

After rising, she head over to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. She hesitated to grab a slice of bread and make what used to be her favorite and usually breakfast of toast with butter and strawberry jam. Ultimately, she didn't want to take any chances and opted for a small handful of (F/G) grapes in a ceramic bowl her mother had gifted to her long ago.

(__) sighed, moving onto the next task. She headed back into the bathroom and closed the door, taking off her pajamas and slippers. She turned on the shower faucet and ran her fingers under the water for a moment, waiting until the temperature was right. She got in, a shiver passing through her body as the cool water made contact with her skin. She shampooed and conditioned her hair, detangling the mess that it was and cleansed her body.

She turned off the faucet and reached out the shower to grab her towel that was hanging just beside it. The shower head dripped of remaining water while she wrapped her hair in a hair towel and applied a vanilla scented lotion to her skin, making her smell fresh and sweet as ever.

She did her skincare now that her pores were open and her skin tender. She plucked rogue hairs on her eyebrows and applied various different masks and products, all to achieve the goal of plump and radiant skin.

The next step was to pick an outfit. She needed to look classy, but not overdone. What (__) needed was a blazer and some trousers. Chic with the right pairings but perfect for an assistant job if she were to start today, which meant there would likely be moving around and a skirt or dress was not the best for those sorts of tasks and errands.

She quickly picked out her best blazer; a delicate, simple piece that cinched at the waist and accentuated her figure; and best pair of trousers; simple and delicate once more, but long and sophisticated. Then she began picking out some accessories. She picked out a (C/C) top, a pair kitten heels and some (C/C) jewelry and laid everything out on her bed. She then left the ceramic bowl that had been used to hold the grapes she was earlier snacking on, in the sink and grabbed a mug and poured in the coffee.

She wasn't a huge fan of hot coffee, iced was more her style. But she needed something warm that would ease her slight hunger and warm up her body. She added some sugar and milk, opting for a sweeter coffee rather than a bitter one.

The mug steamed as she brought it over to her small vanity, setting it aside on a coaster as she began removing the face mask she had on. Her skin glowed, moisturized and plump. (__) began dotting a sheer, slightly luminescent foundation on her skin. She then dotted some concealer and blended both out. (__) then added some blush, highlighter, and lip balm. She wanted a small pop of color in her look and decided to do that through her eyeshadow look.

She went with a short and small wing of eyeliner on either side, as well as some mascara. She opted for a (ES/C) and some light shimmer on her eyelid and inner corners. Lastly, she lined her lips with a cool toned nude liner, slightly darker her than her skin tone. Then, topped it off with her favorite light, nude hydrating lip balm for a sheer, glossy addition. Alas, her makeup was done.

She checked her phone, it read "7:56". She had just enough time to get into her clothes, style her hair, and make her bed. For the next 15 minutes (__) did just that. Once she was all set, with her purse, essentials, and car keys she bolted out her apartment door.


Her heart beat louder and the closer she got to the building where her interview was held. Why was she so nervous? She'd done this many times before, why would now be any different? Was it because she was, admittedly, a bit of a fan of Velvet and Veneers music?

She started to feel hot, nervous jitters coursing throughout her body. She pulled over by her favorite coffee shop, it was just down the street from her destination and she needed a cold, sweet coffee to calm her nerves before she went completely insane.

After grabbing the coffee, (__) decided to walk the rest of the way, wanting to stall her interview.

Eventually she stopped at the front door to the massive building. It had several floors and was surrounded by large glass windows.

She sighed. "I can do this."

She walked in, heels clacking slightly on the marble tiles. She walked to the reception desk.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my interview location, I am applying to be the assistant for Velvet and Veneer?"

"Oh! Yes, of course. You filled out the online application request form?" The receptionist asked.


"Your name?"


The receptionist clacked and clicked, typing on her keyboard. "Ah, yes, the 9:00."

"Yeah, that's me."

"I know the online form is a bit redundant and a bit of a hassle, but y'know, these background checks are necessary when working for people as famous as Velvet and Veneer!" She chuckled.

"Oh- yeah, I'm used to it. I've worked as an assistant before."

"Oh, goody!" She handed her a printed application form. "Just fill this out and attach your resume here, and you can just head on up since it's around nine anyways." She took the form.

"It's the penthouse and good luck!" She waved.

I hope you liked it! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!


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