6: shopping

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It had been a few weeks. Velvet and Veneer have just come out with another brand new single, 'Sweet Dreams'! Everything had been going great. Work was good, you were able to finally afford your mother's medication, and the twins were still number 1 on The Bop On Top. They were on their way to being nominated for the Lifer Award and if they did, they'd get to play in the Rage Dome alongside some of the best artists that were also nominated for the award.

However, things took an unexpected turn when Velvet sai—

"(__)!" She yelled from her room, startling you and causing you to almost spill the hot coffee you were pouring.

You looked at Veneer, silently asking him what was going on. He shrugged and mouthed 'I don't know'.

Velvet soon came waltzing in, her hand on her hip. "Yes Velvet?" You asked, a tinge of nervousness apparent in your voice.

"So, lately our interviews have been kinda boring and if we really wanna secure a nomination for the Lifer Award— we'll need you to be in our next interview." She says casually, you freeze in confusion.

"Wait- what? C-can you repeat that?" Veneer listened as he continued to munch on his rainbow cereal, something his parents were fine with on a daily basis even though they were dentists.

"Ugh, just relax. All you have to do is show up with us as a guest and tell them good stuff about us. You know, that we're extremely thoughtful and we treat you as family— which really, is kind of true anyways." She looked at her nails.

"A-are you sure?"

"Well, duh. It's gonna make us look so good! Plus, I'm sure they'll love you." She continued.

"(__), you don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable. I know you get nervous in certain situations." Veneer chimed in, a pitying look on his face that later turned into an aggravated one directed at his sister.

"Don't be silly! All it is really is just looking pretty and answering a few questions to put us in a good light." She walked up to you and tucked away a loose section of hair behind your ears. You felt yourself start to heat up.

"Okay, then. I guess I'll do it.?" You concluded, a little unsure and hesitant of your response as you glanced at each other.

"Well? No time to waste, let's leave as soon as possible to go shopping."

"Shopping? For what?" Veneer questioned.

"For some outfits for the interview, we can't go in just basic clothing. It's with the Kid Ritz! We've got to look our absolute best."

"Come on, hun. Let's get you a new dress, hm?" Velvet smirked playfully, ruffling your hair as she walked you by. You stood there stunned and confused.

The both of them came to the decision that ruffling your hair brought them good luck. So, before every show, every interview, important meeting, business dinner and so on; they would each ruffle your hair. Of course, in some situations messing up your hair wasn't ideal so they'd opt for an alternative such as a light pat on the cheek, a boop on the nose— anything really.


Velvet and Veneer each wore more simple clothes, ones with hoods. They weren't up for attracting any attention today, since they would later on during the interview tomorrow night.

Velvet led the way as you and Veneer scurried behind her. When she wants something she is quite determined, it sometimes scared you.

Velvet led the two of you into a pink store, it had a bunch of cute, girly clothes. You caressed your fingers against the hung up clothes and stopped when one particular item caught your eye. It was a fun, cosy onesie. It looked like something you would enjoy wearing on a cold night while watching a movie.

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