chapter 1- Dystopia *teaser*

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Here is a tease for version one of Dystopia. A fan continuation of Henry danger~ coming soon;

Henry POV;

I never thought my life would end up here.... The darkness was eating at me. I couldn't save him.... Staring down the empty street as the rain kept falling, i had to catch my breath. Pushing to stand up as i brushed my wet hair from my face. No i wouldnt lose this kid. I haven't lost anyone yet! I wouldn't lose him either. "don't worry kid i'm going to find you" i whisper to myself opening my watch to try and track him through his phone... I only hoped he would still have it.

Without charlotte this part wasn't as easy. But i was never as dumb as some thought... Running once i pin pointed where he was.

Soon i arrived at an abandoned factory, the rain had finally stopped but the fog was thick.... This was a strange place for a hide out. Worn down and falling apart on the outskirts of town.... I should have expected it though after five years here in dystopia.... These villains were nothing like the ones i grew up fighting...

I didn't know what i was walking into. But I wasn't scared. Maybe i wasn't indestructible, however i still had my shield.

Hearing his screams i rushed in, following them through the maze of a building. Upon arriving at a large heavy metal door i could see the shadows dancing.... I shoved it open as hard and fast as i could after setting off my silent beeper that would drop my location to Jasper. Looking at the young brunette i bit my bottom lip and rushed in.

My forcefield appeared on my hand as i made a fist, hitting the villain in the face. Forcing him to drop his hold as he lost his grip on his strange ray gun."Avery, get out of here!"

I watched Avery fall to his knees. Tears on his face and body shaking i heard him puke as my focus had to be on the fight taking place in front of me.... "IM NOT LEAVING YOU!" the kid shouted his damp blue eyes bore into my back for just a fiery moment before he stood up.... Shadows swarmed the lights. Causing the room to grow dark.

"AVERY GO! JASPER IS ON HIS WAY JUST GO!" i shout again. "You are all that matters right now kid now get out of here!' i ad on. But the kid is stubborn.

I felt something brush against my face a cut appearing on my cheek, however it got through my forcefield I don't know, but i know he has little to no control.... The man in front of me starts to scream as the room somehow seemed to grow darker before the lights flicked back on. The man was gone.... My eyes shoot back.... This was bad... How could we find Keres now? I see that avery is stumbling a bit... Running back to him i catch him as he falls.

Picking him up bridal style, as i scanned the area, watching jasper come in as we were about to head out i let out a slow breath and handed the child off. "Jasp....i think it's time to call for back up" i whisper.

"Are you sure hen?" He asked me, following close behind as i dialed on my updated watch that Char had made me.

"Yeah bro. Im sure ..... I've been missing him anyways~" i smile sadly as i dial the number. Looking at the masked man in the hologram "hey captain man.... We need you.... I need you" ray looked at me and then at jasper and the kid he was holding

"I'm on my way Kid."

**I hope you enjoyed this teaser~ i enjoyed writing it and it is honestly getting me excited about the story.

This part may not actually end up in the final story but is just to give you a feel for what its going to be about.- **

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