chapter 6- DANGERously Confused PT.2

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Ray P.O.V;

I was growing worried when Henry didn't answer the beeps or any of my calls. Charlotte had just told me henry was at downtown brown when the explosion happened. I kept trying to call him as i headed that way, breath hitching i was honestly worried about what had happened and what i would walk in to find.

I saw his phone on the ground. The screen was cracked, that explained why he didn't answer the calls. I picked it up and looked around. My eyes landed on him telling the paramedics who was hurt worse and what he had done to try and help. A sigh of relief left my lips as i went in to ask questions.... Without being too obvious that i knew henry, once others told me he was a key witness that gave me an excuse.

I sat down with him. Making sure he was okay.... He looked fine. I handed him his phone... It was maybe like his tenth new one since i knew him.... He looked bummed to see that it was broken...again. "man i just got this last month" he muttered and pocketed it. Looking up to me he knew the questions i was going to ask. "It...was him again" he muttered out.  I decided to try and press him

"Was he in costume the whole time?" I asked and he shook his head

"No captain man.... I saw his face." He admitted but it didn't seem like he wanted to.... "We actually...talked a bit before i realized who he was...." He sighed and i felt like i was going to explode. Why wouldn't henry just listen to me?!

"You are going to tell me everything you two said to each other. "

"I got his name." He added on and sighed "he.... Did this... But he didn't let me get hurt this time.... Ray you're not going to look into him without me... We just... He knows...who i am.... He never believed i was the mad pooper... Hes the new kid...." He muttered to me and i let out a shaky breath why was a kid doing all of this?

"Just tell me his name kid" i whisper as we sat at the table outside of the building

"Caelan." Henry whispered to me and sat back "Jaxson...." He watched me as i wrote it down.... Looking back to his eyes i bit my bottom lip

"You still think he can be saved?" I question in a hushed tone.

"No one really got hurt aside from him. A few burns small cuts from debris... He dropped it closer to himself and made sure i was safe.... Yeah he can be saved still Ray.... I think he wants us to stop him or save him i just dont know...what the hell is going on. He flinched last time when i raised my voice and hit the ground next to him. Like okay about the hit whatever but...i wasnt even yelling i just..." He sank back in his chair "we need to save him...."

"And.... You dont think that all these thoughts...are because you have a crush on him? I watched his face grow a soft tint of pink it was barely noticable

"Ray" he hissed in a hushed whisper and i smiled at his embarassment.

"Well...with kid dangers track record with villains" i started with a tease and tapped the table. "i am researching his name the moment i leave here. Meet me at the man cave soon okay?" I whispered and ruffled his hair before i went to head back to the man cave.

I waited patiently for him but still had Charlotte look into the name.

Henry P.O.V;

I looked to ray and char as i entered the man cave. "Sorry the medics wanted to check me out as well" i say with some defeat in my tone "did you guys figure anything out about him?"

"I mean...kind of" charlotte says as she turns the chair to look at me. "We know.... He lived in neighborville, and moved here awhile ago.... He hasnt really been at school the last few weeks either..... But we got his address? i just dont know if he will be there...." She finished as she sent both ray and i the address.

"Maybe i should stop by as me...before captain man kicks in the door?just as a worried classmate?" I ask and look between the two. Char nodded in agreement but i saw that it bothered Ray.

"I think that is a good idea" charlotte says as she nodded to Ray.

"I dont like it so much" he finally says "kid he hurt you pretty bad the first time...and then the bomb today.... I get you're okay... But what if you arnt next time? What if hes just toying with you?"

"Well then... you will be nearby just in case?" I hum and nudge him. "Come on look hes only like fifteen..." I sighed and he nodded as we finally left. I went ahead of him like we agreed upon. Knocking on the door. It took a moment for someone to answer. She looked annoyed.

"What do you want?!"

"Ah i just...came to see if Caelan is home?" I asked and watched her.

"No? How should i know? I dont keep track of him" she muttered and walked away from the door. Leaving it open.

"Can i come in to check? I ask as she just waved a hand at me and went back to her room. It kind of reaked of alcohol.... Another shinning star of a parent ... I stepped into the house and looked around a bit. It seemed she was the only one home right now. I found his room and shrugged off his jacket and sat it on his bed. Looking around a bit. His room was pretty cool. Alot of alien stuff.... And some weird gizmos that looked home made.... I looked to the jar full of 'marbles' "did he...really make that bomb?" I whispered to myself and looked around a bit more. I paused on a picture. It was of his family...his mother looked happier...his father and big brother were in the picture as well.... It was the only picture i really saw of his dad....  As if someone was trying to erase him....

I didnt know if that was a clue or not...but it was still sad.  I paused when i saw some pictures of me. As myself and kid danger, hidden in one of his drawers...maybe i shouldn't have been snooping but.... The kid litterally was seeking me out... And i felt i wouldnt get the reason as to why here but i was still curious about him.... The pictures surprisingly didnt weird me out... They weren't really creepy... They were from school and tabloids.... And pinned to some newspaper clippings... I didnt know that was still a thing it was...weird seeing a kid collect them still.... Maybe he printed it off? I stepped back from his desk a moment before looking to his computer.... Shaking my head i walk out. It would be safer to try and figure it out back at the man cave rather then here...char or shwoz would be best to try and hack it....

I breathed in and grabbed one of his small keychains.... Walking out the bedroom door and started down the hall. I heard someone talking to his mother.... Stopping at the front door i tried to listen.

"Do you know if Caelan is home yet?" He didnt sound worried.... But annoyed and she told him the same crap she told me.... "You are litterally our mother! Its your job to look after him!" He snapped. I gripped the door.... Quick to temper.... Both of them.... The fight continued and i just stepped out. I wouldnt be surprised if he had run away. His room hadnt been slept in for at least two to three nights... I looked to Ray as i climbed in the truck "hes not home... Broken family...constant fighting" i whispered and handed him on of the unactivated marbles. "Thats similar to what he used to blow up the coffee shop."

"You think that's why he flinched when you raised your voice?" Ray asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah that's exactly what i think" i muttered as i sank in the seat after buckling in. "Ray.... He hasnt been home in at least a few days.... And if he has he just hasnt been sleeping here."

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