chapter 4- Into the Dark Verse pt.2

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**so here is the continuation of part 1- i hope you guys enjoyed it and will enjoy this next part~**

Henry P.O.V;

I was still laying on the table when evil ray was finished. Breathing in deeply i closed my eyes and hesitantly sat up to fix myself. It wasn't at all how i planned it would happen.... I wiped my eyes and looked to the computers. Hearing the alarms go off i shook my head and checked on whatever it was. Most of the time it was ridiculous.... This realm was starting to feel like how dystopia sounded.... I looked it over and paused when hearing Ray behind me "i thought you would be in the shower for another hour" i smiled at that stupid rhyme

"Kid." He spoke, his voice cracking and i quickly turned away from the video as it played. It was ray....MY RAY.... I stood up and ran to him. Almost tackling him to the round table as i hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"You found me" i whispered and looked up to him, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as of now.

"Of course i found you Kid..." He whispered i just focused on his gentle tone. And the way his hand delicately stroked my back. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly. I missed how comforting he could be.... I just found myself wishing he had gotten here a few hours ago.... "I will always find you....I'm sorry, i treated you like a child.... I panicked...
When your arm almost got broken...i panicked."

I forgot about that fight.... And he had been stuck on it...shaking my head i kissed him lovingly, it threw him off though. "I wasn't mad because you were worried i...was mad because I don't...want you to see me as a kid anymore." I breathed out...finally admitting it felt... Good but now wasn't the time... Maybe i should have waited? "But it doesn't matter anymore...ray. even if we go he knows which universe is ours he will just come back for me."

"Then...we deal with it when that happens... But you have been missing for weeks.... I need to get you home. Your parents are about ready to call the cops. I will stay with you okay? I won't let him take you again....."

I only nodded looking towards the sprocket as i felt his arms wrap around me. And we were soon pulled back to our universe.  My eyes dropped i was honestly filled with guilt and i didn't really get why.... Was it because...i slept with someone else? Granted he was also ray...we weren't exactly together....or maybe just....leaving 'evil' ray behind when he needed someone? I shook my head and went to get a shower.... I just wanted to try and feel clean before facing anyone else... Though ray followed me i looked at him as he grabbed me a towel and handed me some extra clothes.

He leant in and took off the evil kid danger mask i was still wearing, pressing me against the sink "kid.... I have watched you grow into the amazing man you are today.... And i love that i had a part in it....." He brushed some hair from my face. "And i do love you, i just.... Don't know if i can return the same feelings...." I felt his lips on my forehead before he pulled away. "I'll check on you in a bit okay?" He whispered and smiled as he nudged me before walking away.... I watched him leave and my breath caught in my throat...he didn't know.... Of course it would be a no....

I felt like i couldnt breathe. Moving to step into the shower after i finished stripping. Sitting down after a moment. My legs still felt like jell-o.

Ray P.O.V:

I didn't think he felt that way.... I sat outside of the bathroom hearing him cry. Why couldn't I tell him the truth? I didn't even know what he went through or what was fully going through his head. But I almost lost him...again.... Even though i apologized i still wanted to protect him now more than ever.... He didn't have his super power....  And allowing myself to be with him would only distract me from keeping him safe.... I brushed my hair back and looked at the door. About to get up and check on him when i heard someone in the main area of the man cave... That was my voice.... It had to be the dark version of me....

I walked out and saw him trying to break the portal machine thing... He wanted to make sure we couldn't go back to get henry this time.... I moved quietly behind him pulling him from the machine and punching him as hard as i could before i watched him slide across the floor. "You aren't taking him again." I growled out as i took my stance.

He stood up. Hair still damp he stepped closer to me. "Hmmm i already took every part of him" he purred as he blew some hair from his face.... For a moment my eyes looked back at the sprocket feeling a literal kick in the gut i stumbled back and grabbed his leg before he could pull back.... He only did it to make sure he got back least this is what i hoped... I was sure it was right....  I flipped him breathing in deeply before kicking him. We were both indestructible.... This fight could last until one or both of us were tired if we let it...but i couldnt risk that. Pulling out my laser i zapped him before looking up to see Henry standing there in one of my shirts.  I zapped my evil self again before i moved to our machine to send him back to his. Grabbing a ray gun and breathing in deeply.

"What are you doing?" Henry asked as he looked at my darker self before looking back at me.

"I am going to make sure he can't take you again! Henry, he tried to destroy our machine before taking  you..... I cant.... Let him take you. You're covered in bruises and...what he said he did...." His eyes dropped when i brought up what the other me had said, i felt my stomach churn and i picked my evil self up and punched him through the portal before aiming the gun at the identical machine shooting it a few times before our portal would close. I stepped back through and looked to Henry as he moved closer.

His eyes stared past me and to the other portal like he was thinking about something before his eyes just fell. "he's just lonely " he said as the portal closed. "I his universe...Ray...when we went against Rick Twitler.... So.... It could have been much worse.... In our universe too....  I mean it...doesn't justify what... He did.... But its why i told you how i felt..." I stared at him a little bit longer...honestly shocked to hear that. Henry rarely talked about the fight on the satellite dish.... He only told me he lost his powers.... And said the whole thing was scary.... "He fell off when i caught myself....we were knocked over the ledge" he finally admitted "so...i dont want to live my life... In a bubble i just...want to live it like everyday is my last.... With someone i love...."

"Henry" i hear the fear quake in my own voice.... I almost lost him then too.... I stepped closer and wiped his eyes "i love you too.... I just...also need to keep you safe.... "

"You cant always keep me safe..." He whispered and grabbed my shirt. I listened and smiled softly

"But i can try~" i whispered as i picked him up and kissed him lovingly. "I just....can't lose you...." I whispered, holding him with one arm as i brushed some hair from his face. I felt a warm tear hit my thumb and i kissed him again sitting down and just holding him in my lap. Letting him rest against my chest as i rubbed his back.... "I love you Hen."

** Just a reminder- open requests for one shots. Could be ships or even episodes you got ideas for.

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