Part 1: Adapt & Evolve

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Our story begins with a 5 year-old Naruto sitting in the Third Hokage's Office, talking to the old man about trying to be a Ninja until something caught his eye unexpectedly.

Naruto: Hey, old man.

Hiruzen: Yes, Naruto?

Naruto would get out of his chair and walk over to the painting of Minato Namikaze, The Fourth Hokage & Konoha's Yellow Flash, and would analyze it thoroughly before walking over to a mirror and studying his own features thoroughly.

Hiruzen: Is something wrong, Naruto?

Naruto would turn towards the Third Hokage and say something that shocked him and all of the Hidden Anbu Members in the room.

Naruto: Is the Fourth Hokage my father?

Hiruzen: (WHAT!!?!? HOW DID HE FIND OUT?!?!); W-What gave you that id--

Naruto: Spikey Blonde Hair, Ocean Blue Eyes...

Naruto would place his hands over his whisker marks.

Naruto: Remove these marks and I look exactly like him.

Hiruzen: (H-He figured it out like that!?!?!); *Sighs*, Alright, I guess I can't hide it anymore, yes Naruto, Minato is your father.

Naruto: So, why did you lie and say you didn't know my parents?

Hiruzen: It was to protect you. If everyone--

Naruto: Your age must've really caught up to you, huh old man?

Hiruzen: What makes you say that?

Naruto: No one was/is telling you to tell the whole village about the 4th being my Dad, it was just me, and I have a right to know who my parents are, not just because they're MY parents, but because I have no true identity of who I am or where I truly come from. You withholding info about my birthright is like you denying my origin and saying it was necessary for your own good.

Hiruzen would be shaken by Naruto's words and would put his head down in shame.

Naruto: With that being said, I also have to assume I have something to do with the Nine-Tails, no?

Hiruzen: Yes, you hold the Beast within your body. Your Father sealed it inside of you to protect the village.

Naruto: We all see how that turned out. And before you try to defend the people or justify their actions, I'm not the Nine-Tails, I'm a BOY with the NINE-TAILS sealed within me. You telling the people that doesn't do anything to help me whatsoever. Hell, instead of giving me a good place to live, you throw me in a rundown apartment and only give me enough money to pay rent, which is being put at the highest value for me and me alone!

Hiruzen had no way to counter Naruto's words and could only look down in shame as all of his guilt was pushed to his peak.

Naruto: I've lost a lot of respect for you, old man. However, you can make it up and regain my trust if you do something for me.

Hiruzen would look up and wipe his tears away.

Hiruzen: What can I do then, Naruto?

Naruto would walk over to a stack of blank papers and grab a sheet of the stack and a pen before jotting down a couple of requests and handing the paper to Hiruzen. 

Naruto's Requests :

1. Give Uzumaki Naruto All Clan/Family Inheritance 

2. Give Uzumaki Naruto 4 Optimal Teachers For The Next 4 Years.

3. Give Uzumaki Naruto All Knowledge & History Of His Parents.

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