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Shields clashed together as Ruffnut swung hers towards her brother. Tuffnut blocked her blow with his own defense, grunting under the force of her attack. His sister let out a maniacal laugh as she beat her shield repeatedly against his, forcing the boy to the ground. He landed harshly on his back as the impact of his fall knocked his helmet askew. She punched the air victoriously as he fixed his helmet.

Gobber walked towards them once their bout was finished, nodding approvingly. "As I've said a million times and as Ruffnut has demonstrated so splendidly, the shield can be your most important weapon. Who's next?"

"Hold on!" Tuffnut held up his index finger as he stood. "I don't get to hit her back?"

The blacksmith rolled his eyes at the boy's protest. "On your own time. Hiccup, Astrid."

The blonde looked delighted and smacked her fist to her palm threateningly. Knowing her proficiency for fighting, Hiccup's eyes widened and he tried to stammer out an excuse: "well, I-I don't think it's really fair for me to be fighting—"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Astrid's leg kicked out of nowhere and barely missed his face. Jerking back in shock, he stumbled over his feet to get out the way of her oncoming punches. Ducking under her still-outstretched leg, Hiccup grabbed it and tried to twist it over his shoulder to unbalance her. He glanced back at her, proud that he'd deflected her attack.

Astrid took his momentary distraction as a chance to gain the upper hand. His expression fell into one of horror as she launched herself at him, pinning him to the ground. Putting all of her weight on top of him, the Hofferson grasped his arm and pulled it behind his back until it pinched his shoulder painfully. He groaned in pain, prompting a concerned rumble from Toothless, who'd been watching the fight.

Gobber stepped forward as Astrid kept her position, victorious. "When you're in a situation like this, it's best to remain calm and take deep breaths." He leaned down to address the trapped brunet, who had attempted to follow his suggestion with not much luck. "When that's not an option, I would advise playing dead." He flopped down as directed. "Just like that. Well done, Hiccup. Good form, Astrid."

"You okay?" she asked, turning to offer the boy a hand up.

He rolled his shoulder to try and get it back into place before he accepted her help to stand. "Never been better. Shoulder should pop back into place in no time."

She patted him on the shoulder consolingly— if not a bit patronizingly— as Gobber called the next pair up. "Snotlout, Fishlegs, let's see what you've got."

"Whoo!" Snotlout jumped up, getting himself ready for a fight by punching the air and bouncing on his toes. "I think we all know what I've got! Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!"

However, there was no nervous tremoring voice that spoke up in response, which they were all familiar with. The older man looked around as if he thought the teen was hiding somewhere. "Fishlegs, don't be shy. Vikings can't rely on dragons alone to protect them! Huh. Thoughts on Fishlegs' whereabouts? Anyone?" When there was no answer, he shrugged. "Alright, change of plans. Snotlout and Daenerys."

Dany, who'd been quietly and contentedly observing the matches all morning, startled at the sound of her name. "W-what?"

Her confusion was hidden behind Snotlout's much more verbal protest of: "what? That's not fair! I don't hit girls!"

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