New Home

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We were in our "new home" and Blue was pacing up and down the living room.

Blue:What are we going to do?...they probably wont let us leave...and if they find out what we are we're dead

I got up off the couch.

Indo:Blue calm down...we'll be fine after our mission time is done we leave either they let us or I kill them

She sighed.

Blue:Is this you way of saying we're fighting our way out?

Indo:we'll cross that bridge when we come to it

She chuckled a bit. I liked her smile.

Blue:We should probably have a look around Haven


We grabbed our coats and left. Blue held onto my arm and we began walking that I'm paying attention to the people they all looked scared and confused...staying away from each other. This virus must be serious...don't think it effects us though.
Another thing was that there were alot of guards with loaded AR's. We then reached one of the walls surrounding the town. There were automated turrets on them.

Blue:I don't like it here...

Indo:Nither do I...but don't worry

She looked up at me.

Blue:and why shouldn't I worry?

Indo:Because I'm here and as long as I'm here nothing will harm you

She blushed a bit then said.

Blue:I still worry about you

Indo:what's there to worry? I'm killing machine

I felt her squeeze my arm.

Blue:no your not...

We continued walking through the streets. We turned a corner and saw a man getting beat by soilders. Blue looked shocked and terrified. The soilders gave him one final kick before walking off.

Blue:Why did they do that?

???:because he isn't following the rules

A voice said. We turned around looking for the  person when my eyes landed on a guy leaning against a wall. He had a brown coat,trousers and hat on.

Blue:And you are?

David:my apologies I am David

I did not trust this guy he stopped leaning against the pole and walked over. I moved in front of Blue just incase.

David:Anyway he was beaten because he didnt follow rules

Indo:Which are?

Davud:oh you know just dont annoy the soilders

I was confused and from the look of it so was Blue. David sighed.

David:you piss them off you get a beating

Blue:but why?

David:Beats me, they've been doing this since I got here about a year guys new?"

Did he just make a pun? God I hate this guy. Spike told me what puns are and I do not appreciate them one bit.

"Yeah we just got here an hour ago,names Eva and this is Jason"

David:So I'd assume you'd like a tour?

He asked. I was starting to get annoyed. Blue must of noticed and knew I'd kill him by the end of the day.

Blue:no thanks...we'll be fine, we're actually just about to head back

David:oh...ok then I guess I'll see ya around then

He said before walking away. I sighed in relief.

Blue:I am so glad he's gone

Indo:yeah don't say I'm not nice

Blue:Would never dream of it

She smirked.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Indo and Blue walking through Haven.


We made it back to the house and noticed how dark it was. Blue yawned.

Blue:I'm going to get ready for bed


We walked to the bedroom and I realised we don't have our stuff. I sighed.

Indo:and we dont have our stuff"


She then sighed.

Blue:Let's just go to bed

She took off her jacket and boots as did I. We got in and she hugged me.

Blue:hey Indo?


Blue:do you think we'll get out of here?

Indo:we will


Indo:I'll fight

Blue:and if fighting isn't enough?

Indo:it will...

She sighed and buried herself into my chest.

Blue:just don't do anything stupid

Indo:no promises

Blue:no promise me

She looked up at me sternly.

Blue:promise me you won't go looking for trouble

I saw her eyes. She was determined I'll give her that.

Indo:fine. I'll play nice

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