reporters are horrible part 2

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author note:

other: hello everyone!!!!!! welcome to the new chapter!!!! I hope you all enjoy it!!!! (this chapter is pretty short)


trigger warnings: stabbing, kidnapping, 

plot: this is part two of Reporters Are Horrible. we left off when the Nico protection squad was about to go save Nico who was kidnapped by a reporter named Amelia Woods!

3rd person pov. . . (Nico's pov. . .)

     it had been thirty minutes since Amelia made her last announcement. things were starting to "calm" back down. Amelia had finally started to move back towards her seat in front of Nico.

     "alright. sorry about that." Amelia said, "Now, you were just about to start telling me why both you and your brother can't seem to leave trouble alone."

      Nico was back to being silent. Amelia growled.

     "Nico. . . answer my questions."

     no response. Amelia then took out a kitchen knife and stabbed it in Nico's right leg, surpassingly Nico didnt even flinch.

     then Amelia fell to the ground unconscious.

change of pov. . .

3rd person pov. . . (Leo's pov. . .)

     NPS left the borders, climbed on a bus, and made thier way to Amelia woods house. the ride there wasnt too bad. Leo spotted one monster but wasnt worried because the monster saw all the demigods and decided to leave them alone. luckily.

     the sight in front of Amelia's house was crazy. there was thirty cop cars, an ambulance, a bunch of reporters and even civilians. 

     "ready?" Leo asked.

     "no." ben answered, "but we dont have a choice."

      "great! just make sure to walk in the backyard and not towards the road." Leo reminded.

     all of the demigods pressed thier thumb to their pinky and they turned invisible. as Leo was passing the side of the house to head in the back he saw through the window that Amelia was talking to Nico. she looked angry. they had to hurry.

     seeing as Leo was the only one who truly knew how to use his leoncognito suits everyone decided that he should be the one to first enter the house and even take down Amelia if needed. and thats exactly what happens. everyone else couldnt find the door so Leo went in by himself. he grabbed a wooden plank that sat outside the door and tiptoed to where he could hear Amelia's voice.

     "Nico. . . answer my questions."

     when Leo didnt hear Nico respond he looked through the door way and watched as Amelia stabbed a knife into Nico's leg. Leo quickly used the wooden plank in his hands and hit Amelia over the head causing her to crumble to the ground.

     Nico was confused and Leo quickly pressed the button to turn uninvisible forgetting completely that the camera was behind him watching everything.

     "hi Nico! glad to see you're alive."

     Leo moved behind Nico and removed the zipties containing his wrists.

     "eat this." Leo said handing Nico ambrosia, "will and everyone's outside."


     just then the police busted into the room, Leo screeched then hit the button and turned invisible quickly escaping the house.

change of pov. . .

3rd person pov. . .(Nico's pov. . .)

     Nico woke up and immediately knew he wasnt at camp halfblooded still. so where was he? Nico opened his eyes and saw white walls and bright lights. he heard a noise to his right but saw nothing. but someone was in the room with him.

     "who's there?" Nico asked getting ready to fight.

     suddenly will, ben, and hazel all appeared randomly in the room. all three of them hugging Nico tight.

     "how are you here?"

     "Leo made invisible suits." ben answered.

     "what happened?" will asked, "how did Amelia take you?"

     Nico grimaced, he knew this was coming, "well. . . i might've been sneaking out of camp every night at around three am and exploring. Amelia ran into me. bothered me. i got knocked out by a drunk man. she took advantage of the situation."

     "are you crazy?!" will exclaimed, "that was so dangerous!!! no more sneaking out!!!! at least a week in the infirmary!! got it?"

     Nico fought a smile, "got it."

author notes: i am so so so sorry for everyone who was waiting for this part 2. i got writers block and then just dont know what happened after. but its finally here!!!! again i am so sorry it took so long. i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! hopefully I'll get the next one out soon and not after like half a year lol

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