little brother

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author note: hi guys!!!!!! i hope you all enjoy this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREPARE FOR ANGST!!!!!!!

spoilers: spoilers for the pjo series spoilers for HOO

trigger warnings: Trigger warning for the song not the story: the song talks about suicide. character "death". character death

plot: (got this idea from the song Little Brother from Outsiders the musical.) After Ben notices something fishy going on at camp, he tells Nico and the others but no one believes him. ben follows the trail and uncovers something big that causes him to go missing. . . will Nico be able to forgive himself for what going to happen??

3rd person pov. . .(ben's pov. . .)

     ben was outside of the hades cabin cleaning up a prank he pulled earlier that day. sure it was funny, but ben definitely regretted doing it now that he had to clean up the mess. everyone else was getting to do thier activities but not ben.

     so when ben saw a shadow pass behind trees in the woods campers are supposed to go in during this time of day, you could say ben was suspicious. ben immediately stopped what he was doing and headed into the woods. if caught ben would be in huge danger but oh well. whats one more week of having to clean the horse stables.

     ben quietly walked through the woods following the shadow, he couldnt get a good glimpse of whatever it was, at least, not yet.

     ben turned the same corner as the shadow and thats when he saw it. it was a cyclops! how did a cyclops get into camp? and this wasnt a nice one. this one looked evil.

     ben turned and ran out of the woods, campers were now running around in the normal fields of camp.

     "hey ben. what-"

     ben cut Lilly off, "sorry Lil's, i cant talk right now!!!"

     ben ran straight to the big house and stormed inside where he knew the counselor's were having a meeting.

     "GUYS!" ben exclaimed.

     everyone sitting at the table turned thier heads to look at ben who's blue eyes were wide and he was panting heavily.

     "what's wrong Benjamin?" Chiron asked.

     "cyclops. . . in the woods. . . bad." ben collasped on the ground, "aw man, is it always this hard to breath?"

     will stood up and walked over to Ben putting a hand on his shoulder, "take a few seconds. then explain."

     ben nodded and a few seconds later he explained, "i was cleaning, saw a shadow in the woods, followed it, it was an evil cyclops."

     everyone didnt know what to say, so Mr. D spoke first, "yeah right! I'm sure you just wanted to get out of cleaning. cyclops cant get through the border without permission."

     "what? no! I'm serious! i saw it!"

     "listen ben," Nico started, "i. . . the borders fine."

     "not you too Nico! please belive me!"

     "we'll look into it, okay?" Chiron lied, "but we must finish our meeting first. head on outside for now."

     ben rolled his eyes and left. if they weren't going to handle this then ben would handle this himself. ben quickly rushed to the hades cabin and packed a quick bag. ben then headed to the woods and where he saw the cyclops.

     ben was shocked when he saw that more cyclops had arrived. who was inviting all of them?

     "aren't campers supposed to stay out of the woods during this time?" asked a voice behind ben.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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