The Turner's

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author notes: hey guys!!! i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!


trigger warnings: watching your family get arrested/ getting and watching people get kidnapped

other: Ben starts the chapter when he's five and it'll go until he meets Nico for the first time. 

Plot: Benjamin James Turner, son of Hades and Mr. Turner arrived at camp shortly after the start of summer. But what happened in Ben's life before finding out he was a son of the big three?

3rd person's pov. . . (ben's pov. . .)

     five-year-old Benjamin Turner was playing with his toys in front of his babysitter waiting for his dad, step-mom, and step-brothers to return.

     the front door opened and Ben looked up, "Daddy!" Ben exclaimed as he ran to his dad.

      "not know ben. i have things to do."

      Mr. turner pushed past ben and entered a room followed by his step family's. ben was upset but listened to his father anyways. he heard yelling from the room and turned to his babysitter.

     "can i go upstairs miss Julie?"

     "yes ben. are you hungry? i can bring food up?"

     "no thank you. I'll call you if i need somthing."

     ben walked up the giant stairs that led to his bedroom and entered. the second the door was closed he ran to the window and thrusted it open. he's been sneaking out for about two months now. the first time he snuck out was when his dad yelled at him for going into his office without knocking. ben had to get out of the house and so he did. 

     since then he'd been sneaking out almost every night. however this time it was different. he was sneaking out to go to the movies. his favorite movie was playing and he wanted to go with his dad to the theater. but his dad like always was to busy with his step family to notice him.

     and so when ben walked down the streets of new York he ignored the weird looks adults payed him. he didnt blame the adults because who wouldnt stare at the strange five year old child walking down the streets.

     ben opened the door and walked over to the desk which was way to tall for him.

     "hello!" ben said loud hoping the workers will hear him.

     the worker bent over the counter and his eyebrows raised at ben, "can i help you?"

     ben handed him the money, "one ticket to big hero 6 and a popcorn bucket please."

     "w-where's your dad?"

     "he couldnt make it. he dropped me off."

     then a voice boomed so loud it made ben freeze, "BENJAMIN JAMES TURNER!!"

      ben turned around and saw his dad was staring at him, he was breathing heavy and looked so mad ben thought he'd explode.

     "what are you doing here?!" he asked calming down just a little, "do you have any idea what could've happened to you?!"

     he walked over to the counter and grabbed bens arm, "you're going home now!"

     as ben was dragged out of the theater he stayed quiet and didnt fight, however ben noticed a strange man watching him. he tilted his head and studied the man, that had long black hair and was in a black robe with an unnerving glare. ben shuttered and was glad when they turned the corner and didnt have to see him anymore. 

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