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Seventeen-year-old, Tessa Hawthorn stepped on the Hogwarts Express very anxiously. She trudged her heavy suitcase and cat carrier onto the boarding train.

She walked down the different compartments of all the students that she didn't recognize. She managed to find an empty one and settled in the comforting, plush seat. With a heavy sigh, she put her suitcase underneath the seat and closed the door.

She then placed the cat carrier with Maizie in it very gingerly next to her. Tessa opened up the side door so she could see Maizie. Maizie didn't seem bothered and kept sniffing the air trying to understand her surroundings. Tessa petted her adorable cat and looked out the window.

The train just started to accelerate away from the platform. She softly closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep with the soft vibration of the train's engine beneath her. She knew the train ride would be long.

Tessa was abruptly awoken by an old woman pushing a cart.

"Anything from the trolley dear?"

Tessa realized that she was pretty hungry since the last thing she ate was mere hours ago. She handed the lady some Sickles in exchange for a chocolate frog and a licorice wand.

As soon as she finished her chocolate frog, a tall brown-haired boy with a yellow badge on, stopped at her compartment.

"We are arriving at Hogwarts in twenty minutes. I would recommend putting on your robes before then," he said directly to her.

"Uh, thank you for letting me know," responded Tessa shyly.

"Are you new here? I swear your face seems new," asked the handsome curious boy.

"Yeah, I transferred from Ilvermorny. I just moved to Europe."

"Fascinating, well I hope to see you around soon," he replied with a wink.

When the boy exited, Tessa zipped up Maizie's carrier and grabbed her school robes. She headed to the nearest bathroom to change. She looked in the mirror and brushed her hands through her wavy long dirty-blonde hair.

After she handed off Maizie and dropped her suitcase in the luggage van, an announcement over the speaker boomed.

"Students, we have safely arrived at Hogwarts. Please gather all of your belongings and head out to the nearest exit. Thank you for riding the Hogwarts Express."

Tessa departed the train in a swarm of students. Their footsteps create a symphony of sound on the platform.

As she exited, she noticed a giant hairy man shouting instructions at the students.

"Firs' yeh's right this way. Upperclassmen, please walk to the carriages."

Tessa walked to the carriages with her peers. She waited in line and managed to hop on one.

There was a girl with shiny platinum hair, a boy with brown curly hair, and a girl with bushy hair all looking at her curiously.

"Are you a new student?" asked the platinum-blonde girl, puzzled.

"Yes, I transferred from Ilvermorny. I am in year seven," Tessa quickly replied as the carriage started to gently rock back and forth.

"I am in year seven as well. My name is Hermione Granger," introduced the bushy-haired girl.

"And my name is Luna Lovegood and I am in year six," introduced the platinum blonde hair.

"That must have been an adjustment moving to Europe. I can't imagine, you know I always wanted to visit America," Hermione said.

"I just hope I get better grades than I did in Ilvermorny," Tessa laughed shyly.

"Hermione, I think we have another fellow Ravenclaw," Luna smiled.

Before Tessa could respond, the carriage abruptly stopped. The students all left the carriage and walked to the enormous castle in front of them. The air was surprisingly crisp and chilly.

"How am I going to ever find my way around this school?" Tessa asked anxiously.

Luna laughed. "Don't worry, we can show you around," she said as they entered the front door.

An older woman with a pointed hat approached Tessa.

"Ah, are you our new transfer student, Tessa Kissinger?"

"Yes," Tessa responded.

"Please line up behind the first years to be sorted," the woman instructed her.

Tessa waited behind a line of anxious eleven-year-olds. One by one they were called up to be sorted by a tattered brown hat.

Finally, "Tessa Kissinger," the woman announced. Tessa walked over to the chair and nervously sat down. The Sorting Hat was placed on her head. The hat's touch felt warm and ticklish.

"Ah, yes, the new student who transferred from Ilvermorny. I see a lot of determination within and a keen sense of knowledge. "RAVENCLAW," the hat boomed.

The thunderous applause of the new Ravenclaw resonated in her chest.

Tessa walked over to the Ravenclaw table and recognized Luna and Hermione. She decided to take a seat across from them. She quickly surveyed the table full of teachers.

Tessa was pleased by how everyone was welcoming to her. The atmosphere reminded her of her old life in Ilvermorny. Tessa frowned thinking about all the memories in America and how they were cut short. Her reminiscing was interrupted when Hermione smiled at her. Tessa could already tell that she was going to fit well in Hogwarts.

After the long intriguing speech from the Headmaster, food finally appeared before Tessa's eyes. The waft of roasted chicken and vegetables made her mouth water in anticipation. She dug into the array of chicken breasts and vegetables very satisfied.

After a delicious dinner and some small talking, Tessa was led to her dormitories. She was pleased to see that she would be roommates with Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood.

Tessa released Maizie onto her bed and fed her. Maizie then strolled off and greeted her roommates. "She is a really pretty cat," Hermione told Tessa as Maizie curled up on her lap.

After a while of enjoying her roommate's presence, Tessa then settled in and the softness of her bed greeted her tired body. As she finally dozed off to sleep, the distant hoots of owls lullabied her as she succumbed to her dreams.

under the stars (a cedric diggory love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن