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Over the next few weeks, Tessa found herself buried underneath a stack of assignments. The constant demand made Tessa's eyebags dark. She recalled never having this much homework in Ilvermorny.

Tessa quickly found out that potions were the only class where her talent thrived with ease. She had successfully brewed each potion correctly so far and Snape gave her a rack of Ravenclaw House Points because of it. Her confidence bloomed further as she continued to excel in his class.

After Herbology, Tessa headed over to the loud courtyard with Hermione. The crisp autumn air tingled against her cheeks. After complaining that Herbology is hard to Hermione, Cedric walked over and sat beside her.

"Tessa, do you want to walk me to my next class?"

"Sure, let me just grab my things," Tessa replied as she picked up her books.

Cedric and Tessa ventured off around the castle.

"I had a question to ask," Cedric asked her. Tessa turned and looked at him.

"I was wondering if you would like to shop with me tomorrow at Hogsmeade? I need to get my mom a gift for her birthday and I figured you had good taste," he asked unsurely.

"Yeah, I would love to Cedric," Tessa replied with a smile.

During lunch, Tessa talked to Hermione while the Great Hall buzzed with activity. "Cedric and I are going to Hogsmeade, tomorrow," Tessa brought up.

"Going on a little date, that's cute," Hermione teased. Tessa scrunched up her nose.

"He is really cute, isn't he? Do you think he might like me?"

"The way you both look at each other, everyone can tell there is chemistry," Hermione giggled.

"Is it that obvious?" Tessa groaned in embarrassment as she shrunk in her seat.

The next day, Tessa headed off the Hogsmeade to meet Cedric. "What do you think I should get my mom, Tessa?" he asked her.

"A woman always likes necklaces."

They both entered Gladwag's Wizard Wear. The shop was filled with an array of apparel assortment including hats, robes, and even shoes. "Does she like gold or silver more?" Tessa asked, surveying the store.

"She wears more gold I believe," Cedric recalled.

There was a thin gold necklace with a moon charm on it that caught Tessa's eye. She pointed at it. "This one, I really like it," Tessa showed him.

"I think she will love it," Cedric said as he grabbed it off the counter to pay for it.

"Do you want to head to Three Broomsticks next? I have some time," Cedric offered as they left the apparel shop.

"Everyone keeps telling me that butterbeer is delicious," Tessa replied.

As the pair walked side by side, Cedric held out his hand. "Care to hold my hand on this stroll?" Cedric offered jokingly. Tessa took his offer and interlaced her fingers into his.

They both recognized Hermione as they walked in. "Care to join us Hermione?" asked Cedric as he ordered three butterbeers. Hermione pulled a brown stool over to join them.

"Are you guys going to the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Quidditch game?" asked Cedric.

"Of course, isn't that what makes Hogwarts fun?" Hermione joked.

Tessa took a sip of her butterbeer and she was overwhelmed with the sweet flavor that overwhelmed her taste buds. "Oh my god, you are right, this is delicious," Tessa said, licking her lips.

"Here, you can have some of mine after you finish yours," Cedric generously offered.

After a while of talking and laughing with her friends, Tessa realized that she planned to send a letter to her mom today. "I just realized that I need to send a letter to my mom so I am going to head out," Tessa said as left to go to the owlery.

Tessa jutted up all the stairs to the top where the owls were. The musty scent of feathers and owl dropping greeted her. She took a white letter out of her pocket and picked a small brown owl to deliver it for her. She just wrote the letter the previous morning to update her.

Dear Mom,

I have been making a lot of new friends here at Hogwarts. They are all so nice here and I am really happy. I am becoming close with a really nice girl named Hermione and a boy named Cedric. He is really funny and I enjoy spending time with him. But don't worry, I have been keeping up with my studies as well. In fact, I am at the top of my class in potions which is surprisingly very rewarding. Also, I tried Butterbeer for the first time and you have to try it! I miss you so much and I hope to see you during the holidays!



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