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The brisk October breeze and the rapid changing of leaf colors signaled the arrival of autumn's presence. The courtyard was now filled with orange fallen leaves that crunched underneath the student's footsteps. The air had also become cooler, prompting many students to wear warm sweatshirts to class.

During breakfast, Tessa sat down next to Hermione. "I had an idea and I wanted to see if it was a good one," Tessa explained.

"Car'y on," Hermione said with a mouthful of waffles.

"Do you think getting a job at Hogsmeade during the weekends would be too much for me?" Tessa asked as she helped herself to some French toast sticks.

"I mean I work at Honeydukes and I can manage," Hermione replied.

"You do? How come you never told me?"

"I dunno, I only show up once in a while when I am running low on pocket money because of my studies."

"Well, I'm going to apply there today then," Tessa said with a nod.

"Maybe I will show up more, working with you would be fun," Hermione replied as she took another bite of waffle.

So, Tessa ventured off to Honeydukes to make her idea a reality. When she walked in, the aroma of sweets flooded her nostrils. With a muster of courage, she talked to the lady at the register.

"I would like to apply," Tessa said confidently.

"What is your favorite treat?" the short woman asked.

"Probably chocolate frogs," Tessa replied, uneased.

"You're hired, you can start this Saturday at 9," the lady responded quickly.

"Thank you," Tessa quickly said before exiting the store. Tessa couldn't believe how easy that job interview was.

In potions, Tessa told Hermione the great news. "Just don't get behind on your studies Tessa," Hermione warned her.

"I won't, I promise."

By the end of the class, Snape awarded Ravenclaw 10 points due to another successful potion Tessa made. "How in the world are you so good at potions Tessa?" Hermione asked in frustration. Hermione's potion turned dark green instead of the light green color it was supposed to produce.

Tessa just shrugged. "I don't know, I just read the instructions carefully and did the calculations correctly."

During Herbology, Draco and Tessa successfully planted Alihosty into the rich wet soil. Draco struck up a conversation between them.

"What house were you sorted into in Ilvermorny?" Draco asked curiously.

"Horned Serpent, I guess I am a natural scholar," Tessa joked.

"You should help me study sometime then, smarty-pants."

"What are your plans after Hogwarts, Draco?" Tessa asked as she took notes.

"My father is putting a lot of pressure on me to go into the family business," Draco said quietly. Draco's expression shifted, and a flicker of vulnerability sparked in his eyes.

"Is that what you really want?" Tessa asked.

"I have no other choice, I was raised differently from everyone else."

"I'm sorry, I hope everything works out in the future," Tessa said with empathy, frowning.

"It's okay and thanks Tessa that means a lot," Draco says with a sad smile as he exits the classroom.

At lunch, a variety of owls swooped in and dropped letters from loved ones. A letter and a box were dropped off in front of Tessa. The letter wrote:

Dear Tessa,

I miss you and Maizie so much. I am so glad you are fitting in at Hogwarts and I am proud of you for your grades as well. I know you are going to do great things in the future. I also thought you would like to enjoy some Dr. Pepper since I know Scotland doesn't have it. Just know that I am always thinking of you. When I visit Diagon Alley again, I will get myself a Butterbeer to try, thanks for the suggestion sweetie. I can't wait until I can see you again during the holidays!



Tessa opened up the wrapped box. It was a box of Dr. Pepper. She retrieved a can from the box to enjoy her meal with. "What is Dr. Pepper?" Hermione asked.

"It is my butterbeer," Tessa explained lightheartedly. Tessa opened up the can and it immediately started fizzing. She offered a sip to Hermione. Hermione caved in and took a sip.

"Oh, it is very sweet," Hermione said, scrunching up her nose. Tessa laughed as she took a sip that tasted like home.

Back in her dormitory, Tessa started getting ready for Ravenclaw's first Quidditch match. She was very excited to see Cedric play. Someone knocked on her door.

"Come in," Tessa replied as she was finishing applying her mascara. She was surprised to see Cedric standing in front of her door.

"I wanted to pick you up and head to the game before I play," Cedric offered.

"What are you waiting for then?" Tessa teased. They both walked together to the Quidditch pitch.

"You look really pretty tonight Tessa," Cedric told her.

"Thank you," Tessa said, returning the smile.

"I am a little nervous for our first Quidditch Game," Cedric sighed.

"But I heard you were the best Captain in the world?"

Cedric couldn't help but smile at her joke. "We just got a new Chaser which means the victory will be determined only if I catch the Snitch," Cedric said doubtfully.

"You will do fine, I believe in you," Tessa said comfortingly patting his back.

"Thank you, Tessa, you always know how to make me feel better," Cedric warmly replied. "I better go and lead my team and by the way, we are going to beat your ass," Cedric shouted to her as he walked to the Quidditch tent.

Tessa headed to the stands where she met her fellow Ravenclaw friends, Hermione, and Luna. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as the enormous Quidditch Pitch stretched out below them. Tessa's heart raced with anticipation.

When Lee Jordan announced the Hufflepuff's team, Cedric came soaring out onto the field. Tessa felt a surge of pride coursing through her. The Quidditch pitch was alive with energy as the players soared and dived throughout the game. "Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!" Tessa chanted with a big smile. Tessa realized she was there more to support him, than her own team.

For the next hour, she watched Cedric dive trying to find the snitch frantically. As the game progressed, Ravenclaw kept scoring points, now leading with a score of 60 points. Each time the Quaffle soared through the hoops, Tessa became more and more nervous for Cedric.

In a heartbeat, she noticed Cedric accelerating across the field sporadically. He spotted the Golden Snitch between the Ravenclaw goalposts. Tessa's eyes widened with excitement. She held her breath as Cedric reached out, his fingers closing around the Snitch. Madam Hooch's referee whistled, signaling Hufflepuff's victory. Tessa couldn't suppress a wide smile as she clapped for Cedric's victory. Cedric's triumphant smile beamed as his team congratulated him on the field.

Tessa made her way down to congratulate Cedric. "Congratulations! You did amazing, I was really impressed!" Tessa exclaimed.

"I wouldn't have done it without you supporting me. Thank you," Cedric says before pulling her into a tight hug. 

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