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"Tessa, wake up, it is time to eat breakfast," Hermione shook Tessa awake.

In a rush, Tessa put on her school robes and headed to the Great Hall. She was warmly welcomed by the rich aroma of various foods. For breakfast, Tessa indulged in some chocolate chip pancakes.

"My first class is Potions. Hermione, are you able to walk me there?"

"I have potions too, we can walk together," Hermione responded.

As Tessa entered the damp, musty-scented room, she sat next to Hermione.

"Good morning class, today we will be going over Veritaserum or the Truth Potion," said Professor Snape. "Please turn to your partner and begin," he instructed.

"Let's begin brewing, I'll fetch the ingredients," Hermione said.

As Hermione went to get the ingredients, Tessa opened up her textbook and started reading the instructions. She was excited to brew this potion and was determined to succeed.

"Are you doing anything after Potions class, Tessa?" asked Hermione back with the array of ingredients.

"I do not have any plans, why?" replied Tessa raising an eyebrow.

"Would you like a tour around Hogwarts?" offered Hermione generously.

"Yes, that would be very helpful, thank you," Tessa replied with a smile to her new friend.

After brewing a perfect potion that made Snape and even Tessa herself impressed, Hermione took Tessa on a Hogwarts tour. Tessa was first introduced to the sunny courtyard filled with students.

As they proceeded onto their little adventure, Hermione asked, "Is Hogwarts what you expected?"

"Honestly, my main concern was that the school robes looked ugly but they aren't as bad as they thought."

"Why did you move to England?" Hermione asked curiously.

"We wanted a bigger house since my Oma and sister moved in recently. My dad also got a really good job offer in England, so we decided to leave."

"Well, I'm glad you moved here," Hermione warmly smiled at Tessa.

As they were trotting down a hallway nearing the end of the tour, Hermione turned to her.

"To conclude this tour, I am going to drop you off at your next class. I will hopefully see you later, Tessa."

With a swift move, Hermione headed off leaving Tessa.

Tessa walked into her Alchemy classroom and found herself surprised to see some Hufflepuffs as well. Tessa sat down at an empty desk. Moments later, a familiar brown-haired boy sat next to her.

"I guess I am seeing you around after all," the boy she met on the train said to her.

"Uh, hi again," Tessa nervously replied.

"My name is Cedric Diggory," Cedric smiled at her.

"Tessa Kissinger."

"You should come to one of my Quidditch games," he suggested smiling. She couldn't help but look down at her feet and smile at the offer.

After Alchemy, she headed to the greenhouse for Herbology class. The earthy scent of the soil in front of her was very potent. The vibrant green colors of the various plants fascinated Tessa. The sun was very inviting and it pleased her. She was surprised to see Slytherin's sharing the space as well. She sat next to a tall platinum-blonde-haired boy.

"Settle down class. We are learning how to plant Asphodel today. Please pay your full attention to me," Professor Sprout instructed.

After the lesson, the platinum-haired boy talked to Tessa.

"How was Ilvermorny? Was it as bad as everyone says it is?"

"It wasn't bad at all, actually," Tessa replied, semi-offended.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. You must be the new student, Tessa." Draco introduced himself while holding out a hand. "I hope you are settling in nice here at Hogwarts though," Draco said, trying to redeem himself.

"I am, thanks."

Her final class of the day was Muggle Studies. Tessa thought it was intriguing that people lived a whole other life, completely oblivious to the wonders of magic. She was delighted to see Luna, so she sat next to her roommate.

"Today, we are going to be learning about the most popular muggle singer, Taylor Swift," Professor Burbage announced to the class.

As the class explored various musical compositions and even Taylor's life story, Tessa couldn't help but actually enjoy the singer. She kind of wished that Ilvermorny offered this class to her earlier.

After a long and tiring day of classes, Tessa retreated to the Ravenclaw common room. The room was adorned with cozy furniture and bookshelves. She found a quiet corner and sank into a plush armchair.

Tessa started to work on her Alchemy homework. The crackling fireplace made Tessa relaxed and feel at home. As the sun set, Tessa lost track of time reviewing her assignments.

As she started to yawn more, she finally decided to call it a night. With a tired smile, she made her way to her dormitory and dozed off to sleep. 

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