creep pt 1

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this one's kinda crazy guys 🙈 psycho billie; top, elsie bottom, stalking, manipulation, this chap is much needed background story!

i sat, bored and strumming my guitar, chewing my gum. we played the same song we had been for the past week. i zoned out as i played the same chords my fingers had gotten used to playing. "okay stop." my band mate said and the music stopped abruptly.

i looked up, sucked out of my "come onnnn elsie, what's wrong? why are you playing like this?" my band mate asked, nudging my shoulder. i looked at him, his stare full of concern and annoyance. i sighed, dropping my head. "i don't know man."

he began to shout. "well obviously there's something going on. we have this fucking show in 2 days. do you know how this show is gonna-" i stood up, pushing my chair. "stop yelling at me!" i screamed and our drummer, julia, hopped between us.

"chill guys." she said. "we've been working our asses off and maybe we just need a break. anyone want coffee?" she said, her bright smile instantly calming me down. "yeah.. come on." i said, putting my guitar down.

brayden turned to me, holding his fist out. "your coffee's on me okay? im sorry bro." i nodded, bumping his fist with mine. "sorry for how i was playing, i know time is precious." i said, shrugging on my jacket.

at the cafe, the band sat at the a big table, the 5 of us talking and laughing about random topics. "and and- remember when nat peed herself that time in nebraska cause she was so drunk?" everyone died laughing, except for me. i looked down into my latte, remembering nat's beautiful face.

"nattt, nat baby nooo don't pee you're so close to the tour bus please." i slurred on my words, holding nat up. "my love.. baby i love you. i don't think i can hold my b-but i love you so much." she said and i looked at her shocked.

did she just say i love you? "nat, you're drunk. like so fucking drunk and i am too please let's just go to the bathroom." i said and she laughed, leaning into me causing both of us to hit the ground with a thud. she busted out laughing, rolling on her back. i chuckled too, looking at her.

"you're so beautiful." i said once our laughter died down, touching her jet black hair. she smiled, her eyes nearly crossed. "i love you baby. im sorry. im so so so sorry." she said and kissed me softly. "why are you sorry?" i asked, reveling in her touch.

"i don't wanna have to leave you." she said, before her face turned in sadness. a sob wracked her shoulders and she covered her face. "what do you mean? don't cry." i wiped her face gently. she hiccuped softly and looked away from me.

"ay we got two lesbos on the ground!!!" cindy, our bassist, screamed and natalia busted out laughing, hoisting herself off the ground. she quickly wiped her face before cindy rushed her, tickling her and she instantly peed, screaming while she did so.

"oh my god!" i shouted and she fell to the ground dying laughing as she just peed all over the ground. i looked at the girl with the spoiled clothes and wild hair and i couldn't help the swell my heart felt. she'd be mine.. forever.

i was dragged out of my flashback by julia tapping my arm. "you okay there?" she asked and i smiled gently, nodding at her. "all good, don't worry. i just miss her." i said and julia nodded with a sad smile. "yeah.. me too."

it'll be 6 months since she committed suicide on the night we preform. it's the one thing she would've wanted.

the band finished up our coffees, heading back to practice for the rest of the night like we always did. practice felt as dreary as usual without nat cracking her jokes and her beautiful voice making the music make sense.

2 days later -

we all stood backstage, hyping eachother up waiting for our turn to preform. "let's go and crush that shit. we practiced our asses off, we know this song by heart. so go out there and kill it. for nat." brayden said. putting his hand in.

i put in my hand in and we all shouted "for nat!"

"everyone please welcome.. double helix!" suddenly the spotlight was on us as we assumed position on stage. my eyes scanned the crowd, my body full of adrenaline. "5..6..5..6..7..8" i started with my guitar riff, hearing the crowd scream.

we played the entire show perfectly, our group chemistry off the charts. as we had the crowd rocking and moshing during our set, sweat beads dripped off my forehead and down my arms. as we finished our set, i became emotional, missing the way nat usually ended with her run that had the crowd stunned.

the crowed cheered and cheered and we bowed, tears dripping down my face. "thank you everyone. we love you." i said and we ran off the stage. in the back, i broke down. it all felt real now. julia held me close even though i was sweaty and gross and let me cry.

"nat is so so fucking proud. i know it." she said, making me nod. the sobs wracked my entire body and she did nothing but hold me.

at our routine celebratory dinner, we drank beers and talk about our performance. "jeez elsie, you played with your entire soul." i was told and i laughed, nodding. "yeah man, it was our best show yet." everyone agreed with me.

"hey, can we get a round of tequila shots?" bray asked the waitress and she nodded. i groaned, "why are you always tryna get us dr-" i started but was cut off by a random voice.

"um excuse me.." we all looked at the girl who stood before us, nervously twiddling her fingers. "i saw you guyses show and wow you did amazing." she said, smiling. "thank you." i said and her eyes flickered to mine.

"i noticed that you guys don't have an- um a lead singer and was wondering if you're interested." she said, seemingly speaking directly to me. "oh uh-" i stuttered and bray cut me off. "you can sing?" she nodded.

"please don't ask me to break into song here though." she said with a nervous laugh and smirk. i took the time to scan over her figure. she had black and red hair, a black misfits shirt on and her makeup make her look sultry. i mean she looked the part.

"you wanna come back to our bus? you can break into song there." julia said and the girl nodded, smiling while biting her lip. "i would love that." she's beautiful.

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