Wake up #6

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A/N For context on the gods and goddesses of this world I will on any chapter where they are mentioned add their photo in the photo thing so that if my descriptions are not clear you can see it for yourself. also sorry if this book stops making sense i am literally writing these last two chapters with a fever and a cold lol. yall are reading these as i am fighting for my life /j

picrew created by iamthetwi at https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/111486

word count: 1358

Eden laid in his bed, sleep filling his mind as he snored softly, he dreamed he was swimming in a black void so deafening not even his own breath could be heard. "Hello?" he called out into the abyss there was no echo like he thought there would be, it simply stopped right in front of him. As he reached forward into the void a being sprung out in front of him "oh shit!" he cried out as he flung backwards, its long swirling arms that reminded him of an octopus but made of ink latched onto him. They pulled him closer to the beings thousand of eyes. "Hello" it spoke with thousands of voices all varying in pitches and tones. "Hi?" he asked with a quiet voice, fear filling his body. "Who are you?" he asked the being in front of him trying his hardest to cower away from it, it only pulled him even closer each eye examining its own part of him trying to figure out who or maybe what he was. "Deiru" it spoke softly with one singular voice, the voice was feminine as each arm and tentacle let go of the boy. The octopus began to squish inwards on itself, the tentacles wrapping around until it glowed brightly into the void but it never glowed like real walls; they simply absorbed the light. As the light faded Eden took in the new figure. A tall woman stood in front of him, she had long black hair that swam around her like she was still under the water, she had four eyes that all glowed such a deep and dark blue color white freckled within her irises reminding him of sea foam. She had dark skin with white splotches all over. She wore a grey form fitting dress and bare feet. Her ears were pointy like that of an elf he felt she could probably hear anything within a 50 mile radius with them. The necklace she wore caught his attention, it had many different types of fish teeth attached to it. Trying to take a closer look he even noticed some had dates on them. "My name is Deiru." she continued as she spoke, her voice sounding and feeling so elegant yet so soft. "And you are Eden correct?" she asked softly with a smile, he softly nodded as she began to circle him like a fish, "the others told me you were interesting" she spoke into his ears flashing her own fish like teeth. "And they were not mistaken" she played with his hair in her hands before reaching down and gripping his chin to look her in the eyes, she got so close as she analyzed his eyes. "Are you aware your eyes glow?" she asked with a perplexed voice "what?" he asked quickly but she brushed him off leaving the topic there "are you aware of why you are here?" he shook his head which only led her to sigh, "i was hoping that was not the answer" she turned to look at him once more "to be quite frank, I have no idea how or why you are here either." as she huffed soft bubbles popped out of her mouth as she looked off to the side before a thought crossed her mind "have you talked with Sphinia yet?" he shook his head with a perplexed look crossing his face "you are the first" he responded softly, she nodded her head listening to his words "ok, after our meeting I want you to track her down. She'd probably be sleeping in a tree or something" she seemed to hold resentment as she spoke about the other goddess. "She is the forest goddess, she works with the animals and the wolf people." she informed him, he paused taking a slow blink as he thought over what she had said, "why did you come talk to me if you don't have anything to do with the wolf people? I am living with them currently". She let out a soft chuckle "oh darling no one else wanted to talk to you and i wanted to check you out, see why or if someone had called you down here for some fucked up reason" he flinched at the swear not expecting someone so elegant to speak in such a way. She softly made a sucking noise on her lip before speaking up "my apologies i usually am way more collected." he nodded before he began to think, when a memory came to him "I felt a strange pull" he said as though it was going to be a crack in the case, she raised an eyebrow "go on" she said to him waving her hand for him to continue, all of her attention guided onto him. "I was laying in my bed when I felt this strange feeling, like I had to follow it and so I did." she took a step forward as she examined him once more "what happened after you followed it?" he thought for a moment "it led me to a well, and when i approached I couldn't help but notice that the well was old and it looked like it had not been maintained in a while, i leaned over to look inside and i saw daylight, it had been night where i am from but it was sky down here. And I slipped, fell down the well and ended up here." she stood up straighter then before thinking over his words, "has the pull returned since?" he shook his head as she continued to think it over "i want you to call upon me as soon as it returns alright?" she looked down at his eyes as she spoke "How would-" as he spoke he was cut off by her putting up her hand in a way of saying pause, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them once more. "Use this but only when you feel the pull again" she reached down the front of her dress pulling out a small shell. "Blow into the hole and it will summon me. Don't waste my time."he nodded at her words as he took in the sight of the shell, it was a deep blue with swirls of white and lighter blues. But one color took his attention being the one splotch of bright red in the shell. "Wait, how will awake me get this?" she laughed at his words "oh you will get it." she waved her hands and the room began to spin becoming less of a void and more of the pups house, he fell over onto his back as she began to turn into a puff of black smoke, his ears rang as everything spun. It took a few moments before he registered a familiar feminine voice "Eden!" it called to him as the ringing began to stop and the spinning gas well he took in the sight of Juliet shaking him "Eden! You started sleep walking or something and you kept rambling about the well and shit are you ok?!" she seemed frantic as she yelled at him, he only could blink slowly and not respond for a few moments trying to gather himself and his thoughts. After at least two minutes he was only able to mutter out a strained and very tired "what?" which only led to Juliet yelling at him that she thought he was possessed or something. He began to tune her out as he recalled his conversation with the goddess. Cutting off Juliet he asked her a simple question. " Who is Sphinia?"

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