Sphinia #7

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I'm sorry if this one also makes no sense I tried to keep a pattern going but words are difficult lol.

Word count: 1367

Juliet immediately shut up staring wide eyed at him, she paused completely stunned at his words before quickly grabbing him by his shoulder dragging him behind her to the outside of the house, it was the dead of night yet all the torches outside still burned so brightly the sound of soft chatter of the elder wolves who were yet to go to bed or maybe just had woken up extremely early. "How do you know that name?" she hissed at him which took him aback. "I um..." he thought for a moment trying to find a way to sound not psychotic "I met a deity in my dream?" he asked more than stated. Juliet stared at him still with the same shocked look "that goddess, our goddess... has been missing for years now, we don't speak her name. Tell me how the hell you know her name." She didn't seem to believe him at all which was explainable. She had first of all just met him hours previously, she awoke to him sleep walking, and now he was stating he spoke to a goddess. "She told me to seek out Sphinia for some unknown fucking reason!" he yelled defensively as she took a step forward baring her teeth at him "who did?!" she shouted back catching the attention of some elders who began to make their way over trying to calm down Juliet. "Deiru did! The goddess of the water!" he shouted back quickly, time seemed to pause as he said that, but before juliet could say anything a strong wolf man grabbed him harshly leading him to scream "what the fuck! Let me go!" he yelled out as the elders began to run around, some kept the young kids inside the pup house as they began to drag Eden to the chief's house, Juliet was yelling at some of the wolves telling them that it's her fault that she had told him stories and he had been confused. He didn't understand, Dieru had said Sphinia works with the wolf people. Why would they hate her? As he thought it over he was dropped onto the floor of the chief's bedroom. The chief stood with an annoyed and tired expression, wearing nothing but simple shorts that held tightly against his skin, he groaned "are you aware of how late it is?" he asked but not towards Eden "yes sir but-" the one who had brought him here had begun to speak before they cut him off. "Leave please" the man nodded as he walked off leaving Eden and Gavin alone. "So you claim to have spoken with the goddess of the ocean?" he asked as he grabbed a chair for him to sit on gesturing to Eden to join him, sitting across from him he nodded. "She told me you worshiped Sphinia that I should seek her out, I'm assuming to ask her why someone brought me here?" Gavin raised an eyebrow before gesturing for him to elaborate. "Before I fell down the well I felt weird, something called me to that well and something persuaded me to lean over and eventually led me to lose my grip. I think Deiru thinks Sphinia may have an idea seeing as the well would have been in her area of control?" Gavin nodded as he listened. "The reason us wolves rarely are seen worshiping Sphinia is because of the fact that she went missing for a couple of years, many of the pups grew up without her influence and from there learned how to evolve. The elders who by now are far still worship her, but as i said the newer adults don't, I personally don't care but a lot of the adults don't want pups getting" he paused thinking for a moment before putting up air quotes ''sucked into the falsehood of religion" Eden couldn't help but snort at that "so everyone here is an atheist? This would be conservative hell." Gavin simply raised an eyebrow at that confused by his words. "Ah sorry, where I'm from it's frowned upon to be atheist or really believe in no or the 'wrong' deity." he nodded softly understanding Eden's words. "That does not sound like a good place to live nor a life that should be lived. Shouldn't everyone have a right to what they want to believe?" he asked Eden who nodded "some people don't see it that way I guess" Eden paused again biting his lips "mr. chief?" he asked softly as he looked up at the wolf, "why do you think i was brought here? Why would a goddess or god want me to be in a place so backwards from my own?" Gavin paused thinking for a moment before nodding and speaking, "maybe they want to broaden your horizon or maybe tell you something that you have been ignoring. The gods don't like being ignored, you know." Eden nodded as he thought over Gavin's words. "That makes sense." The two sat in silence before Gavin yet again broke the silence "what did she look like?" his voice held curiosity, "no one alive has ever seen any of the gods or goddesses, and even then when you do their forms are never easily visible." Eden nodded as he thought back to her, "she started out as this thousand legged and thousand eyed octopus and spoke to me with so many voices I couldn't focus on just one. Then she shapeshifted into this lovely lady. She seemed so elegant, her hair was so wavy and her eyes were the deepest blue I had ever seen" he rambled on about Deiru, Gavin sat there quietly a smile spreading across his face as he felt Eden's happiness fill the room. Once their talk was done Gavin stood up, escorting Eden out he softly apologized for the others reaction and said his goodnights and Eden was on his way back to the pup house. Once he walked in he saw Juliet getting scolded by a young wolf, a elderly wolf stood shaking her head at the young wolf ignoring Juliet entirely. Juliet rolled her eyes as she went to stare out the doorway only to notice Eden walking back over, she stood up quickly "Eden!" she ran up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders "i hope Gavin didn't chew you out too hard" Eden softly nodded, seeming out of it before finally mumbling out a small "why did you freak out at her name?" Juliet paused as she listened to Eden "the adults I'd understand but... you?" Juliet shook her head "I was afraid, the adults constantly talk of her badly you know" she let out a nervous chuckle which did not sit right within Eden, but he chose to brush it off taking it as an ok excuse and leaving it at that. "Gavin kept asking me questions about Deiru" he whispered to Juliet who cocked her eyebrow at him. "He seemed to want to know what she looked like." Juliet's eyes widened "wait you saw her, saw her?!" She shouted out "as in you saw Deiru in the flesh?!" She now whispered yelled at Eden, "no wolf has ever been able to do that with Sphinia! And she was our deity we worshiped day in and day out. And here you are, having no connection to the people of the water and able to communicate face to face with Deiru!" She continued to whisper yells at Eden who tried his hardest to listen to her, "Juliet, I'm tired. Can we continue this in the morning? I have to get up tomorrow and search for the goddess... would you be willing to help me?" Juliet paused before nodding, "that would be an honor" she said with a smile. She turned on her heel, headed backs into her bed and went back to sleep, the two wolves now leaving as they both argued. Eden walked over to his bed, laid down and went back to sleep. This time being a dreamless and calm one.

The ForestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon