The message #12

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A/n sorry if this is a bit fast paced I am just trying to get this book done with lol. Literally only 1 or two chapters left 😭

After an hour Storos told Eden to say his goodbyes before guiding him to a cliff side. "Once you jump, just keep flying straight and upwards, keep going for as long as you can. And if you get tired... push through. I believe in you Eden" they said as they held onto his shoulders he gave them a firm nod. "Of course." Storos smiled down at Eden before sighing and hugging him. "When you get back we won't be here to help you. You will need to make the remaining track by yourself." Eden felt his heart fall in his chest, he felt disappointed that his newfound friends couldn't join him. "Why?" Storos just shook their head as they pulled away. "I'm not allowed to tell what the fates have decided. Now, if you think you're ready. Fly." They told Eden with a look that said 'please don't continue these questions' Eden nodded sadly as he walked up to the edge of the cliffside. "If you lose which way is up or down, look for the purple cloud." He turned towards Storos like they were crazy, "it's Addemious's kingdom. He knows you're coming so he'll make it visible to you." Eden nodded as he turned back towards the sky, he stretched out his wings as he felt the wind begin to pick up, he chuckled as he turned back to see Storos gently waving their hand side to side. "A nice breeze to make the flight easier" they answered with a soft smile. Eden smiled back as he looked back to the sky, bending his knees as he felt the wind begin to float up underneath his wings starting to give him that weightless feeling as he was softly lifted ever so slightly off the ground. Taking a deep breath he pushed off the ground and soared through the air, being pushed farther and faster than the last time he had done this, propelling him quickly up towards the slowly becoming visible purple cloud. Turning back he saw Sphinia and Gavin running towards Storos waving their arms as a way to say goodbye one last time. He continued to fly upwards but still waved back at them, a silent tear falling down his cheek as he continued on his way.


After an hour or so of flying Eden felt so exhausted, Storo's aid with wind had run out at least thirty minutes prior and he was mere minutes away from reaching the cloud. He pushed forward reminding himself that this was something he must do and that bus was too close to give up now. He continued to push to fight, he felt the blood on his lip from him chewing it to ground himself. The pain kept him from falling asleep or fainting, the feeling of the blood dripping from his lips kept his mind busy. Focusing on how many times he felt it drip onto his chin. And so on. Finally his feet landed on the purple cloud as he collapsed gasping out trying to fill his lungs with air as it felt impossible, the taste of bile filling his mouth once again as the ringing began. He wanted to scream but nothing came out. His ears filling with the sound of those anguished banging and cries for him to be let in filling his ears. Starting to become closer and louder yet still just out of reach he couldn't understand what was happening. As he laid there silently crying, unable to move as he waited for the experience to end. The moon above seemed to triple for a split second appearing like three linear circles of bright lights that made the whole sky white. But as quickly as it had appeared they vanished, the bile taste faded as the sound stopped with the ringing. Finally being able to move again he took a deep breath in and stood up. His wings ached as he stumbled slightly regaining his balance. "Are you ok?" A soft feminine voice spoke up. Letting out a startled scream Eden quickly looked up at the young girl in front of him, she had the top of her hair braided in tight braids that as they went further down began slowly looser and looser until all of the hair was untied. She had tan skin with small spots of white dotting it, she wore a low cut blue dress that seemed to glow as each of the phases of the moon circled the bottom of her gown. That he could now tell was a mermaid like shape, her bright blue eyes complimenting the dress perfectly. She looked so soft and elegant she looked like the water and the sky. "Lunar?" Eden asked softly, gaining a soft nod from her. "Yes, I presume you are Eden?" She asked with a soft smile. He nodded as she smiled even wider. "Addemious waits for your arrival. Go through this door." As Eden was about to ask her what she meant as she gestured towards nothing, a door full of runes that he could assume were about the stars and astronomy appeared from nothing. The door frame was made of hard gray stone that held no imperfections and the door itself was a dark blue color, the handle being a bright gold color. The door was plastered with runes that were plated in gold. He turned the handle of the door gently looking back towards Lunar who was watching curiously as he walked in. Immediately the weight of his wings vanished as he turned back to see both the door he had just entered through gone and his wings too. "Huh-" he began to speak before a loud masculine voice pierced though. "Sorry for the removal of your wings, I felt they weren't necessary anymore" as Eden looked forward he was shocked to see not a being the same height as him but rather a giant. They had light blue skin with piercing purple eyes, a scar covering his right eye. Dark purple hair that reached his shoulders and bright white off the shoulder robe. "Addemious?" Eden asked as he noticed the star signs that seemed to float off of him. They were different from those Eden had seen in his own world, they intrigued him. "Yes, that is me." Eden nodded as he began to take in the view of the room. It was large, a large circular sofa with a hole cut into it for an entrance path sat in front of Eden, a long red carpet leading up to it which was adorned with silver and gold stars. A large circular table sat in the middle of the couch and a large star, moon, and sun symbol sat engraved into the table. Addemious sat on a large cushion a few feet from the back of the couch large red curtains sat tied again large Greek like pillars that led to more rooms. A far smaller bedroom sat to Eden's right, it made him wonder how Addemious could even fit into the room let alone even lay in that small of a bed. Although it was normal sized for Eden for Addemious it was beyond Extra Small. To his left Eden took notice of the large array of books, all once again being Eden size. Addemious smiled down at Eden as he noticed his puzzled face. "Give me a moment alright?" He called down to the smaller as he began to flow shapeshifting into a far smaller and now average height version of his godly form, choosing to appear in front of Eden. "I have been expecting you" he called out happily. "I assume my brother Nerebus has already warned you of me?" Eden stiffened before relaxing. "Yeah... he told me to be wary of your fortunes." Eden admitted to which Addemious smiled. "He isn't wrong you know... something is happening. Something out of my control. I hate to say this, but I must burden you with this. You must seek out Thylis. The Goddess of death. She will know what to do for you. I shall take you to her temple, but it will be your job to discuss it with her and learn the truth." Addemious spoke with a tone that sounded like he felt upset that he had to do this, Eden recalled his conversation with Sphinia and Gavin. They both spoke of Thylis as a horrible thing, something or someone Eden should never come into contact with. "What can you tell me?" Eden inquired, Addemious tensed a look of fear crossing his face . "You shall know in due time." He walked up closer to Eden taking his hands into his. "Do not fear it. She shall help." As he spoke the smell of alcohol filled his nose, the taste of bile returning as the ringing filled his ears. The sound of a louder and closer masculine voice screamed into his ear, blocked by an object as he pounded against it. The pleads and begs filling his ears barely making them out "hey!" He could make out "let me in!" Or the occasional "let me help you" but they were so broken up. He didn't know where they came from or who was talking. But just as quickly as they had come they once again vanished. The sounds and feelings disappeared as Eden went back to feeling fine. "The faster you get to her temple the quicker all of this will be explained. Do you... have any other questions?..." Addemious seemed hesitant, nervous for some reason none of this made sense to Eden, he didn't know what to think or what to wrap his head around. "I don't know... this is all so much..." Addemious nodded "think Eden. Because I will have to take you to that temple within the next minute if you can't think of anything." Eden nodded but came up empty handed besides a soft "will thylis be nice?" Addemious nodded "she may be the goddess of death but she isn't here to harm." He answered sweetly. "Now are you ready?" Eden nodded taking a deep breath in as Addemious took his hand and guided him through a new door that appeared before them.

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