The truth #13/ the end.

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TW: HOLY SHIT WTF WAS I ON???? Suicide (kinda graphic kinda just skip to the very last line of this chapter lol after the actual TW pops up) hinted overdose, alcoholism

A/N I wrote this while half asleep but this ending has been planned for like 5 months lol. Cannot believe it is over. Hope you enjoy, I will go back and edit later lol.

Word count: 830

As they crossed through the door Addemious was quick to retreat back through and close the door. Not allowing Eden to turn back. Eden faced forward towards the long corridor. The sides of it covered with Greek styled pillars, each being held up by a statue of the different gods. The first being Deiru, she stood with her arms up and holding a dolphin carved into the pillar. The next being Storos who carried above their head a column with giant birds. This continued on each different god and goddess holding their own column with their symbols carved into them. A couple Eden had yet to meet, one goddess looked similar to lunar in the style of dress she wore, but it had sun designs engraved into her dress and she had no iris's. A giant sun had been carved into her column which made him assume this was the sun god. He continued to walk down the dark carpet admiring each of the statues, he realized there were a lot of gods and goddesses he had yet met as he finally reached the end of the hall. A woman sat on the throne, she had light skin that glowed under the light, her eyes looked saddened as she looked down upon Eden. She had long black wings and long brown hair, her green eyes piercing Eden's, she wore a crown made from the bones of animals who had passed, having large black horns. "Eden '' she said with a smile as she stood, "my child" she continued as she began to walk towards the boy. Her long black lace covered dress dragged behind her as she began to touch Eden's face. "I'm sorry to have called you here. I can only imagine the pain I must have brought you" the woman looked as though she was close to tears. "Why did you call me here?" Eden asked, confused , wanting to know what was happening. "I'm sorry Eden" she cried out, "I never meant to cause harm." As Eden went to speak, the taste of bile and the shouts filled his ears once more. Closer than ever "you hear him don't you" Thylis asked him with tears in her eyes, "you can hear him begging and pounding on the door don't you?" Eden nodded as he tried to shake it off. "I'm so sorry Eden. If I knew my death would do this to you..." she trailed off as tears pricked his eyes as he realized who this was. "Mama..." he whispered out, he now saw who this truly was, his own mother in the flesh stood wearing a gorgeous dress. "Your father... Do you hear him?" She asked softly, holding Eden close to her. "Yes mama... I'm so sorry" he cried out harder as the memories began to flood back in, the sound of his father slamming against the door. Eden could hear his own father, a drunk. For once sobering up, the desperation in his voice as the door sounds as if it may burst off the hinges any second. The pain began to flow through Eden's body as he held onto his mother tightly. "Mama..." he whispered into her ear tears continuing to flow down his face as he felt his body giving up. "Am I going to die mama?" He asked, his voice cracking as he started to struggle to take a breath in. "I don't know," she answered, her voice breaking. "But I will be here..." she continued.

Tw: suicide

Eden could hear the sound of muffled footsteps, his father yelling that he was over here. The sound of wood splintering as he was yanked from this world. His mother in his arms disappearing as he was left in a dark void trying to force his eyes open he could faintly see those familiar three linear lights. The sink to the left and toilet right beside his head, the taste of blood and bile coming from his throat as he couldn't control his body as it convulsed. Tears flowed down his face as he couldn't help any movement or sound that left him. Stuck listening to his father pleading and paramedics breaking down the door. Stuck on that damn floor unable to move before losing consciousness. The last words he heard were "my son, I'm so sorry." As the world began to fade from his view, all he had met in his real life and in his fantasy adventure filled his mind as he thought to himself. "At least I had fun one last time.".

The end

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