The deployment.

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It's a cold morning when Alik gets abruptly woken up by his drill sergeant yelling him to get his lazy ass out of bed and report for duty at 06.00.
Alik hastily dresses and eats before running to the parade deck.
Arriving there he finds himself standing shoulder to shoulder again next to Maxim, The drill sergeant clears his throat before he goes about the deployment.
"Listen up comrades! Today is the day you will be sent to direct active lines, Hoping you stupid asses picked something up from this place where you've practiced the same drills day in day out for the past year, You should stay alive from some time.
As per tradition we shall have a 10km march towards the trucks that will take you to the frontlines.
But before that, you have 30 minutes to write your beloved a letter,
'Uraahh!' Yelled out from 30 different battalions was heard over the parade deck.
Alik and Maxim decided to run to the nearest table and started writing their letters.

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