"I am going to batlle"

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Alik begins writing his girlfriend about his thoughts and experiences.

"Hello my dearest, how are you?
The roads at home must be covered by snowstorms.
Stars are falling in Grozny's dawn sky,
Just don't tell mom I'm in Chechenya.
Stars are falling in Grozny's dawn sky,
Just don't tell mom I'm in Chechenya.
Our duty has come, our country has called upon us,
With our tanks and feet rumbling on the ground we march towards the line of fire.
My dearest if anything happens, Just remember how much I love you, I will hold you in my arms when I get home.
My dearest please don't be afraid, I'm with my friend Maxim, We're making it out alive.
Your love,
The 30 minutes were up, Alik hastily deposits his Letter before grabbing his 25kg worth of gear and prepares himself for the 10km march.

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