The point everything changed.

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Alik is leading his 131st tank battalion through a village when he suddenly hears a voice on the radio he instantly recognizes, his eyes grow wide, he is confused, scared, Maxim sitting next to him turns white, He gives the intercom to Alik and confused he picks up the radio.
He hears his voice of his life long friend Ivan.

"Alik, my friend! Alik! Please listen to me!
Before it's too late tell your men to retreat. Don't do this, in any case, Alik you and I will die! What is the point of all this you and I will not survive. If we or I see you in the action, I wont show you mercy, just like you won't understand? It's better if you come to me as a guest. Retreat your men, have pity for their mothers, have pity for your guys, retreat your men. Give the order to retreat!"
"I can't do that, Ivan, I cannot retreat my men"
"Alik my friend listen to me! I wish that you and I survive this, but you better leave."
"I don't have a choice Ivan, You know I have orders and I will obey them in any case"
"Alik, you are driving straight into an ambush, Please... Please turn around...."
"Goodbye Ivan, I see you on the battlefield."
Alik turns his radio off and signals the battalion to move forwards.
Forwards straight into doom...

A painful scream could be heard through the radio.
'Goril, Goril, This is Maxim, Come in, over!'
'Goril here, What's going on Maxim? Over'
'Blyat, we've been hit, our tank is badly damaged, Alik is critically wounded! Over'
'Maxim stay calm, get out there! We're going to cover you with artillery fire! Over'
'Roger, roger! Maxim, Over and out'
"Alik wake up! Please wake up you stubborn cyka"
Maxim carries Alik out his tank and begins running towards a field hospital, Crying he drops Alik into a bed and yells at the nurses to safe his friend.
"Please safe him, Pppplease, I am begging you."
"It's gonna be ok Maxim, let us do our job, he'll be fine, Alik refuses to die anyway.'
It's been 2 days since Alik's tank got hit.
Alik wakes up in the hospital bed and finds himself almost completely covered in bandages.
Maxim siting besides him jumps up out of happiness and starts crying out of joy.
"Ohh my fucking god... Alik you're awake!"
"Ofcourse I am awake you morron, I refuse to die remember?'
"You motherfucker, I thought I had lost you!"
"What the hell happened anways? I can't remember shit"
"Well, After your friend warned you about that ambush, we drove past a couple of houses which unfortunately had a anti tank gun hidden inside, and well, they hit us square in the side"
"Blyat... So Ivan was right after all..."
"Alik, You should perhaps write your girl and maybe perhaps family that you're alive?"
"Why what do you mean?"
"Well I kind of sent a letter 2 days ago about this and uhmm, well you should tell them not to worry anymore"
"Well yes Maxim you're right, I should."

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