The ticket home.

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"Well Alik, I have good news! Our comrade general decided that our little accident has earned us... a first class ticket home"
"Wait really?!!"
"Yes Alik it's over, we're going home. Our war is no more."
"Oh my fucking... get the vodka we need to celebrate!"
"So tell me Maxim, When are we leaving?"
"In about 2 days..."
"Wait what for real?!"
"Yes Alik, you're going to see your girl again!"
"We're out of here!!!"
2 days later, Alik and Maxim arrive at the train station in Moscow.
Alik being able to walk again, runs straight to his girlfriend,
She sees Alik and flies straight into his arms, Kissing each other and crying, His girlfriend says: "Alik, I was so incredibly worried, I- I missed you so much"
"It's ok Masha, I'm alive, I'm so happy I can hold you again."
"Ay Alik!" Maxim yells at him.
"Alik, I am going home with my parents, I'll call you later today!"
Alik ignores him and stares into the glancing blue eyes of his beautiful girlfriend, Having thought about her for years, He finally holds her again.
He kissed Masha again, hand in hand they begin walking to their apartment,
When Alik enters he gets surprised by his parents and family who have been waiting for him to get home, They talk about the war and about Alik's injuries. This goes on for a good 2 hours before the phone rings.
Alik picks up.
"Hey Alik! It's me, Maxim, Is it ok if me and my parents come over for dinner? Share our stories?"
"Of course Maxim! I see you in 10?"
"I'll be there Alik! I'll be there!"
Alik hangs up the phone and again finds himself staring into his girlfriend's eyes, They kiss and kiss and completely forgot that they had visitors over.
At 22.00 knocking can be heard, Maxim and his parents come in, Alik and Maxim both hug each other.
Come in Maxim Come in!
We have lovely dinner and drinks!

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