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Seth woke up early, and decided to head out to find his friends. He then called out Yvetal, and they took off to the skies.

While they were flying, Seth was in deep thought.

Just what are they planning? he thought, and why are they deciding now of all times?

As Yvetal flew, they heard something from below.

"Hey, Yvetal, there seems to be something going on down there. Let's go check it out."

In the village below, Ruby Rose and Team JNPR were fighting against a crazy Faunus, who was after Ruby for some reason.

However, before he could deal the final blow, a ball of energy slammed down between him and Ruby, knocking the faunus back. They looked up, and saw a familiar Genetic Pokemon looking down at them.

 They looked up, and saw a familiar Genetic Pokemon looking down at them

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"Mewtwo," whispered Ruby.

Decided to pick on someone smaller and weaker than you? asked the Pokemon, How pathetic.

The Faunus then said, "Oh, you must be that Pokemon that Cinder had trouble with. I have delt with many of you before, so you won't be any different. Where is your trainer? Did he run away?"

Mewtwo then said, No. Now, show me if that Queen Bitch is as tough as she claims to be.

"Queen.... BITCH!?!"

Tyrian charged, only for Mewtwo to dodge, and grab the tail, and slam him head first into the ground.

Tyrian jumped back up, and shot at Mewtwo, who grabbed each shot with his psychic powers, and threw them back, with Tyrian dodging each one. Then, a furry of stars came down, and hit Tyrian hard!

Yveltal then landed, shaking the ground, and letting out it's cry.

Yveltal glared at Tyrian, before back handing him with it's wing. Then, Seth and Eva jumped down, and said, "Hey, sorry we're late for the party."

"SETH!!" cried Ruby, rushing towards the trainer, and hugging him. However, Tyrian then charged, and Mewtwo was about to intervene, only for another figure to block his blow, and shield the two lovers.

".....Hey Kiddo."

"Uncle Qrow?"

Seth then said, "Branwen."


"Well, as I live and breath. Qrow Branwen," said Tyrian, "A true Huntsman has entered the fray!" 

Ruby then got up and said, "I don't know. This guy's weird." 

Qrow then looked to Tyrian and said, "Look pal, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave my niece and her friend alone." 

Tyrian the chortles, "Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from her grace was to retrieve the young girl, the boy, and the Pokemon. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen."

Mewtwo glared at Tyrian, and launched Shadow Ball at Tyrian, and it hit home, with Tyrian taking much damage. The Psycho then charged out, and ran towards the two younglings, and Eva used VeeVee Volley, and rammed Tyrian into another building, and deflating his Aura.

Eva then walked out carefully, and just shook off the dust on her, heading back to Seth.

"Well, not bad," said Qrow, "But, you should learn some self defense."

At that moment, Seth noticed something, and yelled, "LOOK OUT!!"

He shoved Qrow to the side, and was jabbed in the stomach. He looked down, to see Tyrian's tail in his abdomen, the tip piercing his skin.

Tyrian giggled in delight, as Ruby unsheathed Crescent Rose, and shot it, cutting off Tyrian's stinger in the process. The Faunus yelled out in pain!!

"YOU.... BITCH!!!"

Mewtwo then grabbed Tyrian by the throat, and his eyes glowed blew, as he said, YOU HAVE HARMED MY TRAINER!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!

Mewtwo then proceeded to rip off the rest of the tail in the process, and smack it into Tyrian's face, before flinging him over the town walls.

"Seth!!" cried Ruby, "Are you okay!?"

"I've been worse," said Seth, chuckling and clutching his wound.

Team JNPR then appeared, and saw Seth.

"Seth!! Are you okay!?/What happened?!/Who was that guy?!/Why are people after Ruby?!"

Seth then looked at Qrow, and said, "You have to tell them!"

"Okay," said Qrow.

"I wasn't talking to you," said Seth, "You're still on thin ice with me. I was talking to Mewtwo."

Yveltal then walked towards the group, and said, I know what is going on. After all, Arceus helped create this world as well. Perhaps I could help explain.

"What?" asked Nora.

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