Not Again!

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For Zen0is!

This is a sequel to the previous part! It takes place a year and a half after! The turtles will be switching ages this time!

Prepare for some cuteness overloads and funny moments! I hope y'all enjoy!

I don't own the pics at the bottom of this post, I found them on Google and edited them together!


Donnie was in his lab, surrounded by tools, books, trinkets, and random science equipment. He was focused on a machine sitting on the table in front of him. It looked broken and worn out.

Donnie had on a lab coat and some goggles over his eyes. "Hmm, let's see...based on my calculations, if I repair the fried circuit diodes and fix up the age calibrator, it should be good as new!"

The genuis smiled to himself as he got to work. He got a screwdriver and began unscrewing the screws on the back of the machine. Humming to himself, Donnie replaced the burned out circuit diodes with new ones.

"Perfect, now i just need to re-calibrate that age feature." Donnie grinned. He grabbed a fancy tool and continued working on his machine. A few minutes later, Donnie was almost finished.

"That should do it, now all I need to do is finish thi-" Donnie was interrupted by Mikey who had snuck in and scared Donnie half to death. "Hey, D!" Mikey chirped.

Donnie yelped and practically jumped out of his shell. "Mikey! Don't do that!" He put a hand to his plastron, fearing his heart would beat right out of his shell.

"Sorry bro, I just wanted to see what you were up to." Mikey replied with a sheepish smile. "Well, I'm-" Donnie was yet again interrupted when Raph walked in.

"What's with all the noise in here?" He asked, taking off the esrbuds he'd been using to listen to music on his T-Phone. "Donnie's working on something new!" Mikey explained as he eyed the machine.

"Oh. Well, whatcha making anyway, genius?" Raph replied as he poked the machine. "Don't touch it, Raph!" Donnie got in front of his invention, as if trying to protect it. "And it's a-"

Donnie was interrupted a third time by Leo walking in. "Oh, what did you make this time, Donnie?" He questioned his younger brother. Donnie groaned and placed his head in his hands.

"As I've been trying to say for the past 5 minutes, I'm repairing ths body swapper!" Donnie explained. "Wait...the thing that made us all swap brains and ages a year and a half ago?" Leo asked in worry.

"Yes, that's the one. However, it's not the same machine, it became damaged during an explosion in my lab 6 weeks ago, I'm repairing it and adding a new special feature." Donnie proudly stated.

Raph, Mikey, and Leo all looked at each other and then looked nervously at the machine. "Are you sure it's a good idea to be playin' with that thing after it made us swap stuff twice?" Raph asked Donnie.

"Don't worry, I made sure to get rid of the button that made us swap bodies, and the lever that made us switch brains." Don and reassured his brothers. There was then a collective sigh of relief.

"I upgraded the age calibrator so that we could be immortal." Donnie added. "What?!" The brother's eyes widened. "Woah, so we'd never die?" Mikey's eyes lit up. "Thay sounds awesome!"

"Why?" Leo asked in suprise. Donnie sighed and looked down. "Well..ever since we lost we lost master Splinter,  I don't want to lose any of you..." Donnie admitted.

The four brothers looked down sadly and moved a bit closer to each other. Splinter died months ago. And none of them wanted to lose each other. They had become closer since Splinter's death.

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