A Rainbow Rose

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Main ship : Lyney x Aether
Tags : AU/fluff/Lyney magic show aftermath


It was almost midnight now. Aether kept turning in his sleep, one thought stuck in his mind. Lyney's rainbow rose magic trick.

Rainbow roses are given to a lover as a token of love and Aether knew that. Lyney had told him that himself, way before. Did that mean his feelings were mutual? 

He turned to his other side again and saw Paimon sleeping peacefully. She didn't seem to have caught the rainbow rose insinuation and was too mesmerised by the trick it itself. He inhaled deeply and sat up, his heart racing. What if that's what Lyney meant when he asked whether he is free tomorrow or not? Was he wanting to take him...out?

Aether rubbed his forehead and blinked. He wanted to confirm it or else he won't be able to sleep a wink.

He got up and left for Lyney's immediately. The streets were empty 'cept for some beggar chasing away a dog at a distant. He kept walking towards the house that had almost become like a second home to him with how much he stayed over there.

As he was walking up the stairs, he saw a lone figure standing near the fence, looking at the city down below. His heartbeat picked up with nervousness but he calmed himself down as he reached the top stair.

"Lyney" he called.

The twin turned around and smiled softly. "Aether."

Aether walked to Lyney and stood besides him, leaning his back against the fence and folding his arms. He took a minute to take in how beautiful the other boy looked under the dim moonlight.

"Couldn't sleep?" Lyney asked and turned around, looking at the city again.

Aether, still fixated on the boy's face, replied, "How could I?"

Lyney smiled and chuckled. "I thought you'd never figure it out."

Aether saw Lyney's cheeks redden and he couldn't help but caress them. Lyney leaned his head towards the caress, closing his eyes and sighing satisfyingly.

"You fool." Aether whispered, grinning at the blushing mess in front of him before pulling him in for a searing kiss. Lyney felt himself melt in the embrace and responded with his own kiss filled with vigor and need. He grabbed Aether's jacket from the back, as if afraid he'll go away any moment.

After minutes of kissing, Aether broke the embrace to catch his breath and rested his forehead against Lyney's who had his eyes closed, a small smile playing on his now swollen lips. Aether looked at him just as he opened his eyes as well and the two boys gazed at each other with a lovestruck look in their eyes.

Lyney interlocked both of fingers and looked at the joined hands. Aether couldn't help but smile at the action and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

"Let's go inside, I'm cold." Lyney whispered after a while and Aether complied with a small 'okay'. The two boys spent the night together but it was unlike the countless others they had spent together.

Aether hoped internally that leaving Paimon alone for a night won't make her mad. After all, this was way past due and she knew it.

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