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"So, Ink Bruh. You want me to go to another universe? For what reason exactly, bruh?" Epic asked as he walked behind Ink. They were currently in a park near Epic's home as they talk. The sky was currently a bright orange and yellow with the sun almost gone from sight.

"Oh. There's really no particular reason for me to send you there. It's just... You looked kinda bored and you always wanted to go to another dimension. So I was like what the heck, let's do it." Ink answered as he stopped which caused Epic to stop too.

"Really, Bruh!" Epic's eyes sparkled in delight with his cheeks being squeezed by his own hands.

"Yup! And you will be leaving..." Ink looked at his hand as if he was looking at a watch, but there really wasn't anything. "Now."

"Wait wha-" Suddenly, Epic fell throw a black hole in the ground. He fell through it cartoon-ishly and screaming could be heard, but it soon subsided. Ink just stood there while looking down inside the hole. 

"Well, I got to go." Ink then became drew a door using a pencil and opened it, leading to his domain.

 Epic's POV:

"BBBBBRRRRUUUUHHHHH!!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs before I facepalmed into the ground. Getting up, I had a mouthful of grass and dirt in my mouth. Quickly, I spit it out to side and used my hands to clean the dirt off my tongue. "Bleh! Damn it Ink Bruh! You could have warned me earlier!" Raising my right hand in the air, I cursed at Ink for not warning me. 

Slowly, I used my hands get off the ground and dusted the dirt off my hood. I looked around the place and the only things I saw are trees. I then decided to use a 'shortcut' and went up the tallest tree I could find. Once I was at the top, my eyes had stars in them from the scenery in front of me. There were big birds flying in the air, overgrown yet beautiful flowers, a large waterfall which was glistering under the sunlight. Heh. Those birds may be big, but I'm the biggest bird! I t-posed as I thought that while doing a bruh face.

Looking down, I saw many critters both big and small having a pleasant time together as they played. Some of the bigger ones were sleeping while the smaller ones used their sleeping bodies as a large toy or playground, but it did not disturb the bigger ones one bit as they continued sleeping. Oh my gosh! My little heart can't take it! It was so cute that I was crying.

"Why do they have to be so cute, bruh?" I asked myself before wiping a tear. Suddenly, I noticed a presence behind me. Before I could turn around, a large shadow appeared. Looking behind, I saw the coolest thing I have ever seen... A dragon!!! It had bright orange skull with a peach belly. Its jaw looked like it could easily crush a car. Its eyes looked like it could pierce through my soul and the coolest part was that it was flying towards me with fire in its mouth.


"Wait a minute, bruh... Flying towards me... With fire in its mouth... OH, shit!" I realised what was about to happen, but it was too late. It had started shooting its fire at me. Without a second thought, I dived straight into the forest in order to escape the fire. As I landed on the ground, I started running for my life. The dragon was on my tail and it did not look like it was going to stop anytime soon! I did zig-zags trying my best to avoid the fire. With manly tears in my eyes, I turned around and shout to the dragon. "Chill, bruh!"

However, that did not stop the dragon and it just continued with its attack. I continued running without looking as I knew there was no chance that it was going to stop. Suddenly, I felt nothing under my feet. Opening my eye and slowing down, I realised I was in the center of a big hole. 

"NOT AGAIN, BRUH!!!!" Stretching out my arms in the air, I fell through the hole as I continued screaming my famous catchphrase, 'Bruh'. "Oof!" Upon hitting the bottom, my eyes became dizzy and my head started spinning slightly. My head then flopped onto something comfy and soft.

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