Chapter 2 Part 2

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"If you guys are done, can we get this meeting started?" A certain time warden questioned the rest. She had a bit of an annoyed look while resting her head on her hand.

"Kronii! Don't be so rude to our senpai and kouhai!" A blonde hair woman with too massive... Jupiters scolded the time warden.

"What? It's just I urgently need to attend to something!" Kronii scowled at the blonde woman.

"I'm sorry about her. She just has a... small god complex." The woman apologised for her gen-mate's actions while bowing.

"It's cool, bruh! I've met many people with that problem! But my only question is what are your names, bruh?" Epic puffed out his chest with a smirk. He then turned to the woman with a smile.

"Oh! I'm Tsukumo Sana. The Speaker of Space. This is my gen-mate, Ouro Kronii. She is the Warden of Time." Sana introduced herself and the time warden.

"Nice to meet you, bruh! I'm sure you already heard my name. I hope we become great friends, bruh!" The skeleton flashed a big smile at the Space Speaker.

"Hey! Don't forget about the rest of us!" A chaotic rat spoke out. Epic looked to his right and saw a red-haired girl with rat ears, a green-haired woman that had branches sticking out of her head and a girl with brown hair and two owl feathers on her head.

"And who may you three bruhs be, bruh?" Epic asked with a hand on his chin.

"I'm glad you ask! I'm Hakos Baelz! The Concept of Chaos!" She pumped her hand into the air and waved it.

"I'm the Keeper of Nature. Ceres Fauna at your service." She gave him a small, but very bright smile.

[Damn, bruh. That's a bright smile, bruh. Even brighter than ten million suns, bruh.] Epic thought before getting his sunglasses. He then turned to the last girl who looked confused.

"Umm... What are we doing again?" She asked with a question mark

"We are currently introducing ourselves to our new Hololive member." Fauna answered with a gentle tone.

"Oh! Okay! I'm Nanashi Mumei, the Guardian of Civilization!" Mumei enthusiastically said with a grin.

"It's nice to meet you, bruh! I'm Sans the Skeleton, but you can call me Epic!" He puffed his chest out as he had a smirk.

"Well, Epic~san. Tell us more about yourself. You don't seem to be of this universe." Fauna said while keeping her smile.

"You're right, bruh! One of my AUs brought me here!" Epic answered with a smile.

"Oh? And what does AU mean?" Fauna questioned.

"It means Alternate Universe! In fact, you guys should have AUs too! Even if you are gods, there will always be AU of yourself! I've seen it with my own eyes!" Epic replied with a smile.

"Now that's sounds interesting. Did you know about this? Sana? Kronii?" Baelz turned to the two other concepts.

"Hmm... Nope! But I do know that there's other universes!" Sana thought for a bit before answering.

"Even if I knew about these AUs or whatever you call them, I am sure they are not as perfect as me!" Kronii had a prideful smirk as she put a hand on her chest.

"Let's get back to the meeting, please. We still need to discuss about what to do to make Epic public." Yagoo reminded them the objective about the meeting.

"Huh? What do you mean, bruh? Why do you have to make the public know about me, bruh?" Epic questioned Yagoo while pointing at himself.

"Well... We do it for every idol so that they don't have to waste time gaining popularity." Yagoo explained.

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