Chapter 2 Part 1

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Epic's POV:

"And this is Fuwamoco's room." Nerissa said as she pointed at the door with two logos that look like dogs. One pink and the other blue.

Nerissa has been showing me around the house for the past ten minutes and I hink we are coming to an end soon, bruh. Taking a cookie from the jar, I slowly nibbled on it.

"And finally, your new room." Nerissa informed me before coming to a stop outside the room. She then held two keys in her hand and gave it to me. One of the keys is bigger than other and both of different colour with the bigger on being black and the smaller one being purple.

"The bigger key is for the house in case it's locked and the other is for your room." Nerissa explained. "I'll take my leave now as I still have things to do. You can come to any of us if you need help, alright?"

"Thanks, bruh. I appreciate the help, bruh. Here, bruh." I took a cookie from the cookie jar and gave it to her. She looked rather confused by what I was doing bruh. "This is my way of saying thank you, Nerissa bruh."

"Hm." She smiled a little and took the cookie before biting into it. "This is good... Thanks."

"No problem, bruh." I said. Nerissa soon left with the cookie in and took small bites. Turning my attention to the door, I used the key and put it into the keyhole. I turned the key and it unlocked the door.

The room had white walls, a clock and a plain bed. There was also a expensive-looking PC. Yagoo Bruh seriously has a lot of money, bruh. The room was alright though, bruh. Just a bit of decorating and it would be good to go, bruh.

"I should go to the store and buy some furniture, bruh..." I mumbled to myself. "What's the time now, bruh?"

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2.30pm. [I should have enough time, bruh.] I thought. Yagoo Bruh was kind enough to give me, bruh... How much was it, bruh? Eh. I don't think it's going to be a lot, bruh.]

Shrugging my shoulders, I then left my room and went outside. However, the moment I stepped foot outside... I was met with a forest.

"Bruh." I let out. I then took out my phone and called Yagoo.

"Hello? Who is this?" Yagoo questioned.

"It's me, Epic, bruh." I said.

"Ah! Epic~san. Do you need something?" He asked.

"Yea. How do I get out of the forest?" I questioned.

"Oh... Go to the second floor and you will see an array of doors. Head to the third door on the left. You will see a machine with a blue star on it. Just step on it and you will be transported to the human world." Yagoo explained.

"Okay. Thanks, Yagoo Bruh." I thanked him.

"Oh, yea. When you get back, go to my office. It's on the fifteen floor." Yagoo informed him.

POV Ended.

"Alright, bruh. Catch you later, bruh." He hung up and put his phone back into his pocket. He then teleported to the exact place that Yagoo said to go.

Upon entering, Epic saw a platform with blue glowing star. 

"Guess this is it, bruh" Epic muttered before stepping onto the platform. 

After a second, Epic opened his eyes and looked around. He realised that he was in an alleyway and looked around for an exit. Sawing the light, Epic walked towards it and shielded his eyes with his arm from the light. As he moved his arm away, he saw the beauty known as Tokyo.

HoloBRUH!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα