Chapter 4

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"And I was like "Bruh! Stop right there, bruh!" Bruh!" Epic exclaimed as he fell back onto his chair.

"""Hahahaha!""" HoloMyth laughed at Epic's joke as the latter snickered.

"That's so funny, Epic!" Amelia commented.

"Yea! We didn't know you were the Horny FBI!" Ina agreed as she put a hand over her mouth.

"Hehe! I have a lot of names, bruh!" Epic smirked as he proudly put a hand on his chest. "I have been called, 'The Cookie Monster', 'King of Memes', 'Da Bruh' and finally... 'The Royal Scientist'!"

"Oh? People call you a scientist?" Amelia said with curiosity.

"That's right, detective bruh!" Epic puffed out his chest.

"Then how would you like to play a game of chess?" Amelia asked.

"Hehe... Are you sure about that, Ame bruh? I have also been called a Chess God!" Epic smirked as he looked at her.

"Oh... I'm sure. You're looking at the Amelia Watson after all!" Amelia declared with a smirk.

The atmosphere slowly became very tense as the chess duo looked at each other. The rest of HoloMyth just stayed at the sidelines. Gura gulped her soda, Kiara ate a piece of fried chicken, Calli sipped her wine and Ina was sweating at the ongoing tension.

"Should we stop this?" Ina asked as she continued sweating.

"Nah. Just leave them alone. We'll just get caught in the crossfire." Calli said before taking another sip of wine.

""Hai. Hai."" Gura and Kiara simultaneously shook their heads.

Suddenly, there was smoke engulfing the entirety of the shop and now, a chess board was in front of the detective and the skeleton.

"Now... Would you like to begin this game?" Amelia evolved into Jojo Amelia!

"Yes. Let's begin, bruh." Epic now evolved into Jojo Epic!

Timeskip brought to you by Amelia and Epic playing for twelve hours straight while the rest just slept:

Snoring could be heard as the members of HoloMyth slept, slumped in their chairs.

"Let's go, bruh!" Epic's voice bellowed across the sleeping city. HoloMyth suddenly jolted up from their seats as they woke up.

"Damn it! WWWRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!" Amelia threw her head back as she crashed down onto the ground.

"*Yawn* You guys are finally done?" Calli asked in a sleepy tone as she rubbed her eyes. She was balancing herself on her scythe.

"Yup, bruh! Sorry to keep you waiting." Epic smirked as he did a peace sign.

"*Sigh* Let's just get back home. The rest are knocked out." Calli sighed.

"Zzzz..." Snoring could be heard from where Amelia crashed.

The awaken duo looked at her and saw that she was knocked the daylights out of her.

"You take Amelia and Ina. I take Kiara and Gura." Calli asked as she raised an eyebrow. She was answered by a thumbs-up from our favourite Meme King.

The two carried the four sleeping and walked back to HQ.

Timeskip brought to you by Epic having to use Blue Magic to carry all five of them after Calli suddenly falling asleep:

With carefully coordination, Epic placed Ina in her bed with his blue magic.

"*Huff* Finally... I'm done, bruh." He huffed as he wiped imaginary sweat away. "What time is it, bruh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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