Chapter 3

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"Alright room Bruh! Do your thing!" Epic spread his arms out, waiting for the room to produce furniture. However, nothing happened and it just remained as it was.

"Hmm... Why isn't it working, bruh? Maybe there's some kind of password?" Epic thought for a bit. Suddenly, light bulb popped out of his head and floated. "Accio, bruh!"

Never happened once again. A cricket could be heard which made the awkward silence even more awkward.

"Alright, bruh... It's on." Epic's eyes sharpened as he faced his room.

Timeskip brought to you by Epic being hunted down by Marine:

Currently, Epic was on the floor, exhausted. He has been trying for hours to get the room transform into what he desired it to be. It was already midnight and he wanted his sleep, but nevertheless, he stood his ground and continued trying On the sidelines, HoloAdvent could be seen watching Epic trying to figure out how the room works.

"This is a really good show, right? Mococo?" Fuwawa conversed with her sister in a whispering tone.

"It really is, Fuwawa!" Mococo aggressively shook her head as she took a handful of popcorn.

"He! Wonder how long more until he figures it out!" Shiori said.

"I bet $100 that it wold take him the next day!" Nerissa shouted softly.

"Alright! I bet a $100 too that it would be tonight!" Shiori answered as she drew close to Nerissa's face. They had a stare down as sparks could be seen flying everywhere. Bijou was just at the side eating popcorn.

"Why won't you listen, bruh!" Epic's voice interrupted the Archiver and demon's stare down.

Back to Epic now:

"Why can't you just listen..." Epic was sobbing on the ground as manly tears were creating a small pond. The latter then flopped onto the ground head first into the room. Suddenly, the room started shifting around as furniture produced and the walls turned purple. Posters of memes also spawned and hang on the now purple walls. Epic looked at it with a deadpanned expression. "That all I needed to do, bruh!"

"Congratulations, Epic~san! You were able to figure it out!" Fuwawa celebrated as she jumped out of her chair.

"Yes! Congratulations!" Mococo joined in the celebration.

"What the what, bruh! You guys were here all along, bruh!?" Epic frantically looked around as the rest of HoloAdvent walked up to the trio.

"Hehe! Yup. And we got to say that it was pretty funny watching you trying to figure out how the room works." Bijou said as she skipped to Epic's side.

"Why didn't you help me though, bruh? I thought we were friends, bruh." Epic sobbed. Grumbling could be heard from behind as Nerissa walked up to the skeleton.

"Hey. If it helps you, it took Fuwamoco three days to figure out." The singing demon whispered in his ear. Epic's sobbing soon turned into snickering.

"Really, bruh?" Epic asked while trying to hold in his laughter. Earning a nod from Nerissa, Epic started laughing hysterically. The rest of the group got confused at Epic's laughing. Shiori noticed that Nerissa was chuckling a bit. 

The Archiver raised an eyebrow at Nerissa who just pointed at the two distracted twins. Upon understanding the reason, the former laughed which attracted the attention of the other. Shiori then tapped on Bijou's shoulder. The latter's eyes lit up and she started giggling too. The twins looked at everyone with confusion.

"Bau~ bau~? Why is everyone laughing?" Fuwawa asked her twin.

"I don't know, Fuwawa." Mococo answered.

"Hey! Why is everyone laughing?" Fuwawa asked the rest of HoloAdvent. 

"Remember that time when you and Mococo couldn't- Pft!- figure out how the room works!" Shiori answered while laughing. The twins took a moment to process this and then...

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!"  Fuwawa screamed with a red face.

"Y- Yea! Th- They didn't tell us how the room works, okay!" Mococo's face also turned red.

The next hour was the HoloAdvent laughing their ass off and Fuwamoco screaming at them to stop laughing. 

"Al- Alright. I think it's time we get some sleep. It's already 1 am in the morning." Nerissa said. Everyone else agreed with her and they went to their respective rooms. 

Timeskip to a week brought to you by Epic petting Korone with a satisfied face:

"Alright then. The trailer will be out on YouTube very soon." Yagoo informed Epic who was chowing down on some cookies. The latter gave the former a thumbs up and continued eating.

"You know, Epic. You haven't even debuted, but everyone in EN seems so much happier than before. It's like you are some kind of happiness beacon." Yagoo told Epic.

"Hehehe. I appreciate the compliment, Yagoo Bruh. It's probably just because of my antics, bruh." Epic chuckled.

"Even so. Thank you for making them happy." Yagoo thanked him. "Now back to the topic. We will upload the video at 12.30pm."

The duo talked for a bit in the office before someone barged in and called Yagoo.

"Yagoo! The studio's mic is broken again! I need help!" A feminine cheerful voice echoed through the room.

The duo turned to the person and saw a woman with red hair, horns on her forehead and blue and red eyes. She wore a white gown with black leggings.

"Ah. IRyS. Come and meet your new kouhai, Epic~san." Yagoo motioned for her to come closer.

"That's me, bruh!" Epic raised his hand. The Nephilim walked towards him and put a hand on her chin.

"Wow! You are so pure! There's a lot of hope in you!" IRyS exclaimed. "I am the one who brings hope to the world."

"So you are kind like the Personification of hope, bruh?" Epic asked her, now interested.

"Yup! Something like that!" IRyS smiled brightly.

[She reminds me of Dream, bruh... Does that mean there is also someone like Nightmare, bruh?] Epic asked himself. "Hey. Can I ask you a question, bruh?"

"Yes! You can!" IRyS smiled once again.

"Is there a Personification of Despair, bruh?" Epic put a hand on his chin. "Because from what I know, there must be a balance between everything, bruh. Like Creation and Destruction, Happiness and Sadness or Time and Space."

"Oh? You know about the Cosmic Rule?" IRyS said with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Yeah, bruh. I mean in my multiverse, there is a Destroyer and a Protector, bruh." Epic adopted his signature bruh face.

"So you are from another multiverse. That's very interesting!" IRyS exclaimed. "And to answer your question, yes. There is Despair, but he normally doesn't come out. He just stays in his domain or whatever he calls it."

"Oh, alright, bruh." Epic said. The two were now eyeing each other awkwardly. It was silence... Until Epic broke it. "You want to hang out, bruh?"

"Yea, sure. Why not?" IRyS shrugged her shoulders.

The two then went out of the room. They did not notice their mischievous smiling CEO though.

"Huh. Wonder how many will fall in love with Epic~san. I mean he already got Mumei, Ina and Fuwamoco. It's strange seeing the two twins sleeping with him in the room when he's asleep." Yagoo started talking to himself. He then shrugged his shoulders.

"He deserves it after all. I don't know what I would do if he never joined." Yagoo said as he previewd the video once more before setting the timer to upload it.

Chapter Ended

(Sorry if this chapter sucked! I'm currently brain-dead.)

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