Chapter 1

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Zoey was holding his breath while someone drowned him into the lagoon. He was starting to feel very weak and tired. He could not hold on any longer.

But he had an idea.

He suddenly stopped moving and collapsed slowly into the water. The paws that were pressing against his head lifted and he heard four paws running away. His ears and the top of his head were the only things that were not into the water. He stopped acting and stuck his head out of the water. Zoey took a big breath and started panting, watering of all parts of his face, neck and chest. He started walking in circles, looking in all directions. He shook his head and then tensed, remembering something.

"Heather!" he said and ran in the direction of the three houses. When he reached the edge of the forest, he noticed that Heather's house doorway was opened. He did not care he was in his wolf form; he ran straight to the house and entered it.

Heather was laying down with her tail over her nose, crying, and Dawn was next to her, resting his head gently over her back. The dog rose his gaze as Zoey padded closer. Heather did the same.

"Please leave." She said.

"Heather... listen, I am sorry..." He sat down a meter far from the newly she-wolf. "But understand that I... No. Never mind. What I did was unjustifiable." He sighed and Heather slightly moaned in sorrow. "I can teach you how to be a wolf... I know a pack in the forest that can help you too" he noticed how Dawn tensed and glanced fiercely at the werewolf. "Trust me when I say that I'm sorry" he said.

Heather looked at him.

"I just want to live a normal life. I dont want to keep lying to Gray, and I am not going to turn him into a werewolf..." she said softly, and Zoey felt another hint of jealousy that made him hate himself.

"You don't have to... We can tell Gray about this."

"I don't want to worry him..." she rose to her paws but stared at the ground. "Just... keep this as a secret. Just teach me how to be a wolf..." she stared at his eyes.

Zoey wanted to cry again.

"Sorry..." he said once more and touched Heather's paw. She looked at the ground and moved hers away from the werewolf's touch.

"How can I return to my human form?" She asked.

"The same way you transformed to wolf." Zoey said and waited for Heather to turn into a human again. He did the same and noticed that the girl had her eyes red, and black makeup smeared under her eyes. It broke his heart to see her that way.

-Remember who did this to her...- He thought.

"I need to do something... stay here please, I won't be long." He told her but she kept staring at the ground. He waited for an answer, but it was in vain. He turned around and walked out of the house. After he passed the lagoon walking, he transformed and started running. He was not sure if he was going in the right direction, but he kept running and his heart started beating faster as he reached the big wall that warded the Heart of the Foresteers' territory. He bent down and squeezed under the hole that was on a side of the wall. He popped out in the big clearing and saw that it was half-empty. Delta Roan turned around as he noticed the werewolf.

"Oh hello, Zoey, nice to see you again" He wagged his tail "Where's Dawn?" he asked.

"I wanna meet with Alpha Robin." He said with a deep growl, ignoring the old wolf's greeting. He looked a little bit shocked.

"Oh, why?"

"Someone tried to kill me in the lagoon. A wolf."

He blinked.

Hollow Moon #3: DawnfallWhere stories live. Discover now