Chapter Two

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May 1st, 2028

"Nosy bitch."

Arisa gasped in shock when she heard Fusami's angry mutter. She looked up from her phone and towards the driver's seat. "Patei-san?"

"I'm sorry, Arisa-chan," Fusami said reassuringly, glancing at Arisa in the rearview mirror. "That obviously wasn't direct towards you. I keep getting phone calls from that horrid reporter."

"'Horrid reporter'?" Arisa's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Iroha Eoka." Fusami almost spat out the name. "Since the news broke over the weekend that the debut of Phantoms has been moved up, she's been calling asking for comments. Asking asinine questions. "How ready is Arisa Naoe for filming since she hasn't finished her solo album?" "Is her solo album getting delayed?" "Do you think an end of season debut will hurt the drama?" It's pathetic, Arisa-chan."

Arisa knew who Iroha Eoka was. She was a sensationalist entertainment reporter who had no fear, sham, or filter when it came to interviews. Arisa was aware that Eoka had faced considerable controversy a few months prior for an interview she had given Hanzō Noguchi, where instead of asking him questions about his new film Yonaka (which was also due for release in June) she had instead grilled him about rumors surrounding an illegitimate son. While her reputation had suffered for her disrespect towards the actor, the ratings on her talk show had increased. Despite her outlandish behavior, she was almost untouchable.

"I'm sure she's bothering the other stars with similar questions," Arisa said, forcing a smile. "I'll just work hard so she can't speak badly about Phantoms—or me."

Fusami shook her head in disgust. "Unfortunately Arisa-chan, she will find a way to twist even a success into a scandal."

"But let's not worry about that now," Arisa said warmly, reaching out to touch Fusami on the shoulder. "I'm about to have my first cast meeting."

Fusami forced a smile. "We received a report this morning that the renovations to the school aren't complete yet, so filming for the pilot will start on sound stages here in Tokyo. We'll naturally transition to the Japanese Alps once our primary filming location is ready."

That was one of the setbacks of moving the release date of Phantoms. Production had chosen an abandoned high school in the Japanese Alps for the school setting, but it had needed a cleanup and renovation. It wasn't ready for filming yet, but that was something that they would need to work around until it was ready. "I've never been to the Japanese Alps," she said thoughtfully.

"I haven't either," Fusami said. "We only have three more songs to finish, so we'll try to get them done here in Tokyo before you head down there. If not, then we're ready to set up a makeshift studio on location."

"Four songs," Arisa corrected her. "The sound mixing on the current song isn't good yet, Patei-san."

"Ninety-five percent of your vocals are finished for the song. The sound engineers can figure the rest out if needed."

"But I don't want to put out a subpar song."

Fusami gave her a reassuring smile in the rearview mirror. "I know, Arisa-chan. That's why you're the best."

Arisa appreciated the praise and leaned back in her seat. "At least while we film here in Tokyo I can do half-days at school. The Chorus Club though is disappointed that I won't be going to nationals with them this years."

"You went to nationals with them last year and were pivotal in winning the championship," Fusami said. "And your Chorus Club won the Culture Festival last year. I think they'll be just fine without you."

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