Chapter Five

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May 31st, 2028

"All right, everyone!" Fujikawa called through a megaphone, climbing up onto one of the cafeteria tables. "The pilot debuts tomorrow night at 19:00! As such, everyone will have the day off to watch it!"

The cast and crew cheered from their positions throughout the cafeteria. Arisa herself was giggling and clapping her hands. "I'm so excited to watch it!"

"I won't have time to watch it," Rina said sadly. "I have an interview that's filming at the same time."

"I'll be watching it with my husband," Maturi said.

"I will too," Erika said with a smile. "Though fiancé instead of husband."

"I'm throwing a viewing party at my apartment," Doremi said. "If any of you want to stop by for it that's fine. The press won't be there."

"I'd like to stop by," Hifumi said, leaning closer. "Where in Tokyo is your apartment located?"


"Oh, in Minato? My place is in Minato too!"

"I'm going to watch it with my parents," Nanoka said.

"So am I," Chikayo said. "Plus my three little brothers."

"What about you, Arisa-chan?" Matsuri asked her. "Will you be watching with family?"

"Yes, my mom," Arisa said. "My best friend will be stopping by to watch with us."

"Your best friend? Ah—Eiko?" Doremi floundered on the name. "You mention her now and then in your videos."

"Oh she's great," Arisa said, smiling brightly. "She's been my best friend my whole life! And she's really talented! She's the best violinist I know!" She paused before adding, "Well, she's the only violinist I know."

The actresses laughed quietly. "Did your father teach her?" Erika asked.

"Yes," Arisa said proudly. "Papa taught us both but Eiko picked up on classical instruments better than I did. I'm comfortable with piano and acoustic guitar, but that's about it. Eiko learned ten instruments from him!"

The actresses hummed with awe. Even Suzue, who wasn't participating in the conversation, looked impressed. "But violin is her favorite," Arisa said. "Papa even gave her his own violin!"

"That's incredible," Nanoka breathed.

"I'm sorry about your father, Arisa-chan," Matsuri said, wincing a little. "I didn't want to be awkward before by mentioning."

The familiar twinge of pain reverberated in her heart, but Arisa pushed it down and forced a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Okay everyone, places!" Fujikawa announced. "This is the last scene of the day!"


Arisa was packing her overnight bag to go back to Tokyo, when she heard a door close in the hallway. She stiffened slightly, but realized the sound came from the right of her room. Where Suzue's room was. She contemplated for a moment before hurrying out into the hallway. She steeled her nerves and knocked on the door.

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