Cheater pt 1 -Angst-

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You were excited about today. It was your one year anniversary with miles. You were all giddy because of it. It was still the morning and decided to go buy some things for miles. You got your shoes on and walked to a grocery shop. You would first buy some snacks that you knew miles loved. You bought his favorite candy, chips, and cookies. After that, you went back home and put everything in a small gift basket. You then remembered you had bought some matching bracelets for you and him.

You put the bracelets in the gift basket, with all the other stuff. You grabbed your phone to text miles. "Happy one anniversary, mi Amor <3" you were so excited to go visit him that you would pace around your room for a bit. It was finally the afternoon and you just couldn't wait anymore. You felt like you had to go. So, you put on your shoes, grabbed your phone and put it in your pocket, then grabbed the gift basket. You went out the door and walked to miles' apartment.

Few minutes later

You arrived at miles' apartment and knocked on the door. Miles' uncle Awnsered the door and greeted you. He saw the gift basket and asked about it. "What's the gift basket for?" "It's for miles, it's our one year anniversary." You said while smiling. "Oh alright.. You should go give it to him then. He's in his room." Aaron said calmly. "Alright then." You said while trying to stay calm. You were just so excited. You walked to miles room and opened the door. You had forgotten to knock, from how happy you were. When you opened the door, your heart dropped.

You saw miles making out with a girl. You were shocked, you felt like your heart stopped for a few seconds. The girl he was with saw you and asked miles who you were. Miles turned around and saw your shocked face. Tears filled your eyes as miles quickly got off the girl and went to you. He tried to explain but you just ran out of the apartment. Aaron saw you running out and was confused. He saw miles run out his room and asked him what happened. Miles didn't say anything to him and just told the girl that was in his room to leave. Aaron realized what was going on and was obviously disappointed in miles.

You ran back home as tears streamed down your face. You made it back homes and went straight to your room. You dropped the gift basket on your floor and just layed down on your bed. You sobbed into your pillow, you felt heart broken.

Hours later

It was 3 in the morning, you couldn't sleep. You had stopped crying but you were still very hurt. You still hadn't blocked miles on your messaging app. He tried to explain to you but you didn't dare look at his text. You were laying in bed, scrolling through your phone. It was distracting you from what miles had done but you still felt upset. You were eating some of the snacks you had bought. All of a sudden, you heard a knock on your window. You knew it was miles and you sat up to look at him through the window. He wouldn't stopped knocking on the window, so you reluctantly opened it.

He got inside and you glared at him. You were heartbroken and angry at him. "Babe ple-" you immediately cut miles off when he tried to speak. "Don't call me "babe" miles." you said Sharply. "Just let me explain." miles said. "What is there to explain!? I saw you kiss that girl!" You said, raising your voice a bit. Tears filled your eyes as you glared at miles.

Alr I didn't think I would do a part 2 but I'm pretty tired right now so I'll update soon

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