ch. 1

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"Morning Dad."

"Morning son."

Bill Fickelgruber sat proudly at the head of the table, his heir slouching at the other end.

"Don't slouch, Francis."

Franky ignored him, shovelling a pancake in their mouth grumpily.

Bill sighed. 

"Very well."

Bill bit his lip. "I-I was wondering if you would like to try my new flavour of chocolate?"

Franky glanced at him. "No thanks, Dad."

Bill slumped. "Okay then."

As much of a stiff, stern, businessman Bill Fickelgruber was, his heir's opinion mattered most to him.

"Sorry, Dad." Offered Franky. "I'm just...not in the mood for chocolate today."

Bill nodded. "Completely understandable, Francis. You do live in a house that smells of chocolate 24/7 after all!" He joked.

Franky smiled weakly. "Yeah, Dad."

Franky put his fork down carefully. "Hey, I...think I'll go to my room, for now. I'm stuffed."

Bill nodded. "Very well, son. See you later, then."

" 'Kay, Dad."

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