ch. 9

79 7 3

"Well now, Chief,"

Franky startled, but this was just a wall- it couldn't-

They pressed their ear against the wooden planks, eyes widening.

"I can see that you're a man of integrity," Franky bit their lip, leaning closer,

"Thank you," said the chief.

"But ask yourself this,"

"Have you got a sweet tooth?"

"I do?" replied the chief of police, sounding confused.

"A hunger that you have to feeedddd~"

Singing?! Franky was stunned. He had to tell Dad about thi-

"Have you got a sweet tooth," hummed Fickelgruber senior, and Franky gaped. 

"I do...."

"Well we've got everything you need!"

" Mmm"

Don't give me that conscience- nonsense,"

"Its simply quid pro-quo!" As the chocolatiers harmonised, Franky had to stifle a laugh.

They were like a chocolate boy-band.

"So....a hundred of your favorites?"

"Im sorry I'm afraid its no."

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