ch. 2

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Franky adjusted the old leather watch on their wrist, thinking.

Dad was just being nice., and, and, chocolate- they can't buy happiness.

Franky thought about the days when they were happy.

Poor, wearing ragged jackets and thin shirts, scuffed shoes and tatted trousers.

Happy days. Franky was happy then. Hell, Franky was happy just to be with Dad. 

But Dad wasn't happy. Dad insisted on getting money. 

"Once we have money, then we'll finally be happy."

"But I'm already happy, Dad."

"Nonsense! I-"

"Francis?" The shy voice of Lucy, the family maid.

"Oh- Hey, Lucy," Franky said glumly.

"Franky? What's wrong?"

Franky bit his lip. "Lucy- Do you, do you think Dad is different? Like...more, money-obsessed?"

Lucy blinked. "Mr Fickelgruber? 'course he is. But he still loves you, if that's what you're thinking."

Francis rubbed his head. "Yeah, yeah. I know."


"Thanks, Lucy."

"No problem, Francis. Night, night."

Franky grinned. "Thanks, Lucy."

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